Recent content by ladybug99

  1. ladybug99

    Bob white quail pacing...

    Good afternoon everyone. I usually hang out over in the chicken forums as that is what I raise at home, how ever this is a question from my work! We have a rather large indoor bird aviary, we are a Nursing home and we love our birds!! We have a wonderful variety, just last week a female bob...
  2. ladybug99

    So what do you think this is???

    Well after a few more fuzzy shots we finally got a pretty good shot of the TWO different foxes. The other fox is a lot thinner than this one, so we are thinking this may be a pregnant female. This fox has a beautiful bushy tail!
  3. ladybug99

    So what do you think this is???

    We recently caught these two critters on our game camera... what are your thoughts.... fox or coyote??
  4. ladybug99

    Year old Pekin duck sinking

    I checked her for mites and did not see any thing crawling on her or in their house. I gave the enclosure a good cleaning and dusted it for mites just in case. I filled up a little kiddie pool the other day and she has chosen to go in it rather than the big pond. She is losing a lot of...
  5. ladybug99

    Year old Pekin duck sinking

    I have a year old peking duck, my boy friend found her two nights ago exhausted barely keeping herself afloat in our pond. He fished her out and she went into the duck house for the night. Today I find her again sinking in the pond. I fished her out... she is not injured in any way, healthy...
  6. ladybug99

    Looks like his legs are made of rubber

    Elliot is much better, but still a bit wobbly, I have him separated from the rest. I think he has a broken wing and some other neurological issues going on. One of his wings hangs lower than the other. I believe he may have gotten into a fight with another rooster and did not fare so well...
  7. ladybug99

    Looks like his legs are made of rubber

    He is about 18 months old.. I don't think its Mercek's. He is showing improvement, but still wobbly. They do free range so he might have gotten into something he wasn't suppose to in the woods. I have him on antibiotics and electrolytes and separated from the rest..... hoping for the best :)
  8. ladybug99

    Looks like his legs are made of rubber

    Come to think of it no he was hatched by a broody last spring, looks more like that's what it is unfortunately. I have him separated from the rest of my flock... which are all vaccinated at the hatchery. He was attacked by the hens yesterday, he is showing improvement but not much, I may...
  9. ladybug99

    Looks like his legs are made of rubber

    I have been having some issues with one of my roosters this week. His legs have seemed to turn into rubber, he has very poor balance and wobbles around like a baby just learning to walk. He is no longer able to roost he is sleeping in one of the nesting boxes. I watched him this morning for a...
  10. ladybug99

    Duck egg question

    I found some buried treasure this morning in the duck coop. 15 beautiful eggs I only have 4 ducks and have been getting 2-4 eggs a day from them so I suspect these 15 eggs might be from when they started to lay a few weeks back. Can you float test duck eggs to see if they are fresh or not?
  11. ladybug99

    How well do ducks adjust to new things??

    I have five ducks, they are about 5 months old now. We are moving them from a brooding pen to their own very nice large pen with a pond. these ducks are afraid of everything! Even those who feed and care for them, the have always been this way. They are getting better with trusting people...
  12. ladybug99

    Oh my poor rooster... I feel so bad

    He has made it thru the night! he was up eating and drinking this morning and he let out a weak crow. His head looks much better, I can now see his comb is cut on it, so maybe he hurt himself an became weak and the others started picking on him. I am going to keep him isolated till he heals.
  13. ladybug99

    Oh my poor rooster... I feel so bad

    I just went out and checked up on him and he is not doing very well, he won't eat or drink, just resting quietly. He was fine this morning he ate drank and even was mounting the girls. He was almost healed from the frost bite... he did lose half his comb to it, but was treated with antibiotics...
  14. ladybug99

    Oh my poor rooster... I feel so bad

    I went out to visit with the chickens on this glorious day only to find all 23 of them huddled in a pile on top of one of my roosters. the poor guy had gotten frost bite over the winter and had a pretty beaten up comb, apparently the scabs started to come off and all the gals decided they would...
  15. ladybug99


    I have three Pekings and two Swedish.. middle sized ducks. My chickens will tear little frogs to shreds I was just wondering about the frogs with the ducks, I am going to assume the frogs will move out if they are threatened by the ducks. I don't know if ducks are good hunters or not. The...
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