Recent content by Lauraadriana66

  1. L

    Is this normal?

    Awesome thanks!! It’s not :)
  2. L

    Is this normal?

    So I cleaned the coop, got the hay out and put it in an area I was planning on composting.. but the girls are there scratching and eating? Idk should I put them away?
  3. L


    Guys!! My ladies finally laid an egg, super tiny, but an egg after all !!! They’re 21 weeks.. the bad news is that I didn’t check on time and they pecked at it … today I’ve been checking numerous times but haven’t seen anything 😭
  4. L

    Australorps eggs

    OMG I LOVE THEM. They are so smart!!
  5. L

    Australorps eggs

    Mine are squatting! Feeling hopeful!!!
  6. L

    Australorps eggs

    Ah I see ! I used to live in mexico now I’m in Utah US. Not winter yet but definitely get what you’re saying.
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    Australorps eggs

    Hello! I’m getting anxious since were entering week 21. I would like to hear your experiences with a australorps. When did you get the first egg? I go every morning to check, but I’m pretty sure I will know when they have laid their egg. I remember well back when growing up we had chickens...
  8. L

    First winter

    I really appreciate your response. I had chickens previously, but I used to live in Tijuana Mexico, where it doesn’t get colder than probably high 40s me and my husband built this coop following those same instructions regarding the ventilation you have brought me peace of mind! Bonus pic of the...
  9. L

    First winter

    This is my first winter with my chicks , we live in northern Utah, it can get in the negative degrees but not double digits negative .. usually 20°-10°s … how should I winterize or is their own heat in the coop enough?
  10. L

    My First eggs

    CONGRATS 🎉 can’t wait for mine, they’re about a month old and already look like little ladies
  11. L

    New chick mom

    Thank you! I have increase the opening to 14”
  12. L

    New chick mom

    I have the finishing touches to my coop. Is 10” H too low for australorps?
  13. L

    Rice poo

    Thank you so much! Definitely is not tape worm, I will monitor the chicks and follow your advice if it continues. I am such a new mom I am being super paranoid!! I had chickens growing up but these is my first time as an adult chick parent , I appreciate this site so much!!
  14. L

    Rice poo

    This is now
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