Recent content by Lavonne

  1. Lavonne

    Hen to rooster ratio...

    Is there a good hen to rooster ratio or does it depend on how aggressive the roosters are?
  2. Lavonne

    Egg Eaters?

    I've been checking the nests about three times a day - maybe more because they are just starting to lay. I left this egg on purpose to encourage them to use the nest - some had been using the floor. I had just cleaned the coop and checked a couple of hours later. The egg was just gone - no...
  3. Lavonne

    Egg Eaters?

    If a chicken eats an egg, won't their be evidence left - like shell, yolk, or something? My hens are just starting to lay, and I left an egg in the nest. When I went back, it was entirely gone but no shell or yolk anywhere. Did a chicken do it?
  4. Lavonne

    Free Range Chickens

    No, I have no idea. I've heard they are the original chickens brought over with the pilgrims. It could all be a bunch of stories, though. But, if they are closer to the original "toughness" of chickens that survived, then maybe they are more instinctual about food, etc.,? I think it's probably...
  5. Lavonne

    Free Range Chickens

    Thanks everyone. I have 32 chickens (4 roosters) - the majority of which are heritage: Dominque, English Standard, Wyandotte, La Fleche, Lakenvelders, Long Crowers, Norwegian Jaerhon, Red Caps, and Thai. It's my understanding that these are better at foraging than more domesticated varieties...
  6. Lavonne

    Free Range Chickens

    Do I need to supply free ranging chickens with oyster shells and grit or do they naturally find it on their own?
  7. Lavonne

    Norwegian Jaerhon

    I have a Norwegian Jaerhon rooster and hen. They are both almost five months old. I'd like to post a picture of him that I just took. How do I do it?
  8. Lavonne

    Nailing field fence wire around the lower half of a coop?

    I just added chicken wire around the bottom of my no climb fence. My five week old chicks were able to squeeze through. I used zip ties to connect it to the other wires and those u-type nails connected it to the posts. It seems to work well so far.
  9. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    Anyone who wants to read a little more on Ravens attacking chickens, go to the thread under Predators and Pests title Ravens. A lot of people there have weighed in on the subject and there are a few links for further research. Nasty birds as you will see.
  10. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    My chicks are all covered and protected as best I can. We'll have to wait and see now. Thanks to all for your information. I really love this website!
  11. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    Wow. You guys are all so nice. Thanks to all of you who responded and gave me more information. I still have 31 chicks left, but I plan to get a few more. The ones I bought are un-sexed Heritage, so I'm expecting some roosters, which I will need to get rid of. I'll keep one. They will be...
  12. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    I looked at the thread for ravens. In it were some photos comparing crows and ravens. This was definitely a raven I saw. I also read about others' experiences with ravens. I am convinced that the raven did this. If they are aggressive enough to attack sheep, then why would one hesitate to...
  13. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    Quote: I totally agree. But I have big dogs who are always patrolling our property for smaller predators, and it seems they would have prevented a ground predator from getting in the pen, especially during daylight hours. I did see the raven/crow come back and rip apart the remains. I...
  14. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    Quote: I'm still unsure. I was told that it was probably a raven. I can't tell the difference - but it was a huge black bird perched on the shed. Would a weasel do it in the middle of the day? I don't even know if we have weasels here, but whatever it was, I want to get it. It was weird...
  15. Lavonne

    A Raven Beheaded My Chicks

    Quote: I was shocked, and it was awful. I'm still having a hard time believing it.
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