Recent content by Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

  1. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    It's the beast of a brooder.
  2. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    how do I get the flock up the chicken ladder into the coop?

    If you can place their food on the ladder in a line going up it might motivate them to try it out.
  3. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Controlling Humidity.,.........

    Humidity is brought down by allowing air to escape and take moisture with it, or by decreasing surface area of water. You will lose a bit of heat but your thermastat should just click on to adjust. Good luck with your bator.
  4. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    We have BEEN looking for a dog.....Pic #139

    Trying to remember if I got this right?.... You rented a house with a chicken coop aready there and now have the dog and puppies too? The mamma may be from the former owner who may have had birds... Your new dog may already be trained not to go after the birds, but to protect them!!!! Wow. There...
  5. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Leg bands???

    There are a lot of other good reasons to use the bands in addition to naming. I put one on a hen that went broody over the winter but failed to hatch anything. She just went broody again and I know it would not be a good idea to spend a lot of money on valuable eggs for her to sit on because she...
  6. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    want to make a waterer/feeder for tomorrow

    I use the plastic coffee cans for both food and water. To make the simplest water dispenser just find a dish it will fit into, cut a notch in the rim that is not higher than the dish, fill can with water, place dish on top then flip. These are actually much more stable than the traditional mason...
  7. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    The Little Tikes Henhouse is here

    And anyone driving down the road would think you had kids not chickens. Nice job on the modifications you made.
  8. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    do you have any SECRETS to make our coop better?

    Plan ways for easy cleaning. That makes the coop better for the birds and life easier for you. There are a lot of great examples on the coop pages and they are so fun to look at. Welcome to BYC!
  9. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Duck enclosure pics?

    I'm looking also....someone dropped off eight and after a day in my living room I can tell you that something is going to have to pop up quickly because these things are messy. I did a search and noticed that duck houses are actually much simpler in general than chicken coops. That's got me...
  10. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Nasty Run

    This may help you. Good luck.
  11. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Wanted to share this HOOP COOP with you guys

    Quote: At least she admits she's crazy. There are ducks in my living room right now. What does that say about me? Formica is the plastic laminate stufff you glue down to make a counter top. Luan is a very thin kind of plywood. Both have a certain amount of bend. It wouldn't be good in a...
  12. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    1ST try with laying hens.....Please help

    Quote: I agree. Look at the muddy-run page before you decide where to build. The biggest challenges you have in cold climates are keeping water from freezing through the winter and drainage when the snow melts. If you can plan for those two problems ahead you will be happy with the results...
  13. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy

    Free Range Roo & Corn and Birdseeds- Help!

    From what I understand you have to make sure the bird feeder birds get the option of plenty of grit because the pieces are larger than ideal.
  14. Leah-yes I know I'm crazy


    I think the instructions are right here:
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