Recent content by leighks

  1. leighks

    How do I cool down my coop?

    I fortunately have electricity in my coop (it’s more of a big outbuilding) and I run a box fan in there, it’s set up in front of an east facing window that’s shady, and run the fan on low during the day to keep air moving and medium at night to bring the cooler air in. I have a few hens who are...
  2. leighks

    Stumbling walk during heavy molt?

    Wow what a difference the vitamins made! Within a few hours of giving her the vitamins B and E I could already notice a difference. Within 24 hours she improved significantly. About a week in she was 99% better, the only weird thing that was going on was when she lifted her head up while...
  3. leighks

    Stumbling walk during heavy molt?

    Ok will run out to the drug store today and get some and will give it a try, thanks!
  4. leighks

    Stumbling walk during heavy molt?

    Awww I’m sorry to hear! So once she was done molting she made a complete recovery from the stumbling? That’s what’s freaking me out. She walks backwards several times before being able to orient herself forward. Not every time but pretty regularly.
  5. leighks

    Chicken molting and walking sideways

    Hi- I know this is an old post but how long did your hen act like this? And did she act like this every year, or was it a 1 time thing? My EE is going through her first adult molt and is acting like this right now.
  6. leighks

    Stumbling walk during heavy molt?

    Hi I know this is an old post, but how long was she acting like that? One of my hens is going through her first adult molt and is acting like this. Also did she act like this again during this year’s molt, or was it a 1 time thing?
  7. leighks

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Maybe you have an egg eater in the bunch? Or if they free range, maybe they are laying somewhere outside??
  8. leighks

    I can’t find the bumble!

    Thanks, I will save your post. If the tricide neo doesn’t help it I will give the sugardine a try. This is the first bad case of bumblefoot I’ve dealt with, and tricide neo has had a 100% success rate for me in the past with less severe cases. With the scab being off hopefully it will heal up...
  9. leighks

    I can’t find the bumble!

    Ok good to know. Here is a pic from today. You can see the swelling on the left edge of the foot and between the last and middle toes. I will continue the tricide neo soaks and wrapping it to keep it clean.
  10. leighks

    I can’t find the bumble!

    Also I have some trimethoprim sulfa that I had for one of my hens that had an infection but ended up not needing- would that help Iris’s bumblefoot?
  11. leighks

    Pullets in rafters- suggestions??

    @aart @DobieLover sometimes the simple solutions are the best solutions. I was so busy thinking how to construct a ramp I didn’t think that it would be much easier to block it off! The pullets won’t be happy tonight but now I won’t have to worry about them breaking a leg or wing crashing into a...
  12. leighks

    Pullets in rafters- suggestions??

    My pullets have started roosting in the rafters (about 8’ up) of the coop and I am looking for suggestions on either how to discourage this behavior or suggestions how to make some sort of ramp or steps so they can come down on their own. As of right now, if they try to jump down they usually...
  13. leighks

    What is this bloody mess and what can I do?

    This mess came out of my 4 1/2 year old red sex link hen Rosie. Over the past 2 years she has had hormone implants to suppress laying eggs since she has been having laying issues. This latest implant is wearing off and she has an appointment for her next implant in 2 weeks (that’s the soonest...
  14. leighks

    Canker or thrush?

    Thanks, interesting. I will take her to the vet if my treatments don’t help. I’m just hoping this is something simple. Her ALV is subtype J, which manifested in abnormal feathers growing in with her last molt (she just grows the central shaft parts and has wispy down-like sparse vane feather...
  15. leighks

    Canker or thrush?

    As per the recommendations on other threads here and @casportpony she is taking API general care fish meds- it’s metro powder 250, she’s getting 1/3 packet once a day (she’s 1.67 kg)
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