Recent content by lexi234

  1. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    i am just head over heels with the color of this polish chick! I cannot wait to see how she continues growing… also, the new chicks are getting some cool feathers in too! they are from my own chickens❤️
  2. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    the older chicks had playtime outside today! all 3 of my newborn chicks had curled toes, but after 36 hours with tape applied they are SO much better! adding in a before pic
  3. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    the two polish are starting to look crazy! I also had the most adorable chick hatch (and wasn’t expecting this color variation at all). post more / better pics when dry!
  4. lexi234

    2 Week Old Chick, only one showing symptoms

    update: chick is doing significantly better this morning. eating and drinking on its own. still seems off balance, but is no longer screaming or gasping for air. any tips on how to continue caring for this lil weakling greatly appreciated. continuing to do vitamins and electrolytes in water...
  5. lexi234

    2 Week Old Chick, only one showing symptoms

    1) 2 week old chick, black australorp from TSC 2) gasping for air, chirping, shaking. not able to walk, balance seems off. 3) about 48 hours progressively getting worse 4) housed (previously) with 9 other chicks none of which show signs of this or anything like it. we have since separated this...
  6. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    cuteness overload incoming! updated pics of the three bantams- and a few of our standards as well! they’re getting harder to take group photos of now lol
  7. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    feathers are coming in nicely, a new group photo to come soon❤️ side note; i’ve managed to collect a dozen eggs this week.. but i had to sit at the coop for HOURS every day just to save them from being eaten! *i will be setting some in my incubator*
  8. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    all the babies are growing well & my absolute favorite fell asleep in my hand!! awe.
  9. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    oh don't worry, that was just playtime! they're in an actual brooder ❤️
  10. lexi234

    Chicks… again. never say never!

    Long story short, I started my chicken journey back in maybe 2018 (or earlier) for 4H. Since then, we’ve learned a TON and got more land. Anyhow, when my flock started eating their own eggs a few months back I swore I was just going to stop… uh well that brings us to now when my mom brought home...
  11. lexi234

    Post Pics Of Your Baby Chicks!

    “i’m never doing chicks again!” and i’m up to 10 now in my brooder. oopsie. lots of fun breeds in here including; RIR, ISA Brown, Buff Orp, Sapphire Gem, OEGB, Polish, Cochin Bantam etc!!
  12. lexi234

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    sadly only 3/10 of my duck eggs made it to lockdown. sorry, life has been busy… i’m excited to watch these ones hopefully hatch!
  13. lexi234


    hi everyone! wanted to update again… we are now getting 7 eggs on average, and today i collected a blue egg too! i’m happy with this progress and thank you for all of your helpful tips. they still eat a few, but we’ve had 66 eggs since this started and i’ve sold 2 dozen!
  14. lexi234

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    this batch of chicks is doing lovely! next eggs also set. 8 lavender orpington (going to hand turn) and 10 call duck…
  15. lexi234

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    they are getting up and around for snacks today! also, I set 10 duck eggs in my incubator as of last night!! having a bit of trouble with my other incubator for the lavender orp eggs… ugh
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