Recent content by lindz8504

  1. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Hey everyone not much going on around here. Lots of babies with the Mamas and the meat chicks are really getting big. I processed the rooster last week because he kept beating up the girls. Its really quiet around here without him! I may go this weekend and pick up a new one! BYC isn't...
  2. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Prayer MC. Hope you are alright!
  3. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    30 meat chicks - 2 weeks old 5 Bitty's chicks 4 weeks old (I think) 9 Bertie's chicks 1 1/2 weeks old 15 Beulah and Eloise's chicks 2 days old = 59 total chicks!
  4. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Wow! Thank goodness he didn't get breakfast though! I have heard a couple of hawks near our property and usually the crows are right behind them! It is a risk with free range.
  5. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Most likely we will be processing between 8-9 weeks. I plan on the 7&8 year olds helping as well. Even the 2&4 year olds know that we eat our chickens and where they come from. I don't think it is bad at all! Our 3 batches are going to overlap a little bit so it is going to be important to...
  6. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Mortie, coming from you that could be a little scary! ;) But sure why not!
  7. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    These girls have 7 days left.
  8. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    This is our first year with meaties. I mean we have processed extra cockerels but not specifically raised chicks for the freezer. I'm amazed at how fast they have grown in just a week! I'm hoping to get them into a hoop coop by the weekend and then when they get some feathers we will start...
  9. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Thanks Cheeka. Maybe by tomorrow I'll start feeling better. :( The chicks are awesome and she doesn't mind me messing with them so its awesome!
  10. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    About 4 hours North up next to Va. We are about 4 minutes from the state line.
  11. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    A individual pictures of a few of Bertie's chicklets. Bitty's babies are getting big!
  12. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    The meaties are definitely a big undertaking. I am filling the feeder twice a day and I have two quart mason jar waterers that I am having to fill two or three times a day. They are also little poop factories and I will have to re-clean tge brooder coop when I get them moved into the new hoop...
  13. lindz8504

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    Hey everyone! BYC hasn't been working for me lately. I'm currently over run with chicks! Bitty has 5, Bertie has 9 so far, I picked up 30 meat chicks last week, Beulah is sitting on 12 and Eloise is sitting on 6. I have had to put down one of the Golden comet girls and my rooster has...
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