Recent content by LionSoulHomestead

  1. LionSoulHomestead

    Comment by 'LionSoulHomestead' in item 'Coturnix Quail'

    I've heard most people start getting eggs at 10 weeks old. We just restarted our Coturnix Quail flock so I'll know closer to August 3rd if my 1st batch will be laying at the 10 week mark or not. I'll try to remember to add in that info later to this review.
  2. LionSoulHomestead

    Hello from Lion Soul Homestead

    Hello Everyone :woot (Q1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? <A1> Yes and no, I feel like I'm pretty new to chickens, we've only been raising them for ourselves for roughly 2 years. We've had some issues with predators and had to restart, but so far so good. WE hope...
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