Recent content by littlemonstir

  1. littlemonstir

    Procaine penicillin G orally instead of a shot

    can I give anything for pain? She tore the webbing on her foot and is not using it at all. This injury happened a week ago. I cleaned it kept her confined and it was looking great and she was using it. Now she’s been out with the flock for 2 days and it’s not looking good. I can’t find a vet...
  2. littlemonstir

    Procaine penicillin G orally instead of a shot

    Hi, could you tell me the dosing for fishmox on a duck?
  3. littlemonstir

    What is Your Favorite Word to Describe Your Flock?

    I call out, My duckie duckies and all my little sweeties come running. My little hatchlings are my little gators.
  4. littlemonstir

    Hands on hatching and help

    I’m a newbie but from personal experience there is always someone around to help. Happy hatching!
  5. littlemonstir

    Pictures of Assisting a Duckling to Hatch

    I just wanted to thank you for the informative pics and instructional article. It’s so great to have the support of others in the hatching process.
  6. littlemonstir

    Duck Eggs need help hatching?

    How did it go? This is my first hatch too!
  7. littlemonstir


    So if you search candling duck egg progression there are some great pics to give you a better idea of how far along they are.
  8. littlemonstir

    Ducks WON’T swim in pond!! Help!!

    I don’t have snapping turtles, just red eared sliders and I’ve been trying to get rid of them. My ducks are bigger then a small dog so I find it hard to believe a fish would be able to eat them. As for ducklings they stay in a smaller safe enclosure away from the pond. I bought this place...
  9. littlemonstir

    Ducks WON’T swim in pond!! Help!!

    Rouen and Cayuga. I’ve talked to a few marine biologist they said the fish and turtles shouldn’t effect the ducks and are more likely to hide when the ducks swim. I’ve asked around because my first thought was maybe they were nipping at their feet.
  10. littlemonstir

    Ducks WON’T swim in pond!! Help!!

    I’m having the same problem! Mine are 6mths old and I moved them down to the pond a few months ago. At first they would play and splash on the shoreline and now they won’t go in at all! I can’t figure out why. The pond is stocked with large fish and turtles. Any suggestions? I’ve tried tossing...
  11. littlemonstir


    I have twins too! I’ve been keeping a close eye on them. They are at day 9. I’ve attached a pic from day 7 candling. Please keep us updated. I’d love to know if any have had twins survive!
  12. littlemonstir

    I’d love to purchase some ducklings! Could you message me with price to ship to FL? Thanks!

    I’d love to purchase some ducklings! Could you message me with price to ship to FL? Thanks!
  13. littlemonstir

    Hi, I’m looking for peach peafowl.

    Hi, I’m looking for peach peafowl.
  14. littlemonstir

    How do I befriend my new peachicks

    Could you send me a pic of what the tether looks like to attach to the leg? I like the idea and think it would be great for my older more calm birds. The peachicks are a bit to crazy still.
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