Recent content by Livinzoo

  1. Livinzoo

    Feather quality

    Thank you! I suspect that this person has no idea what they are talking about but they say it with confidence that makes people believe them. This is the wing of a “hard feathered” black Marans pullet they culled from their breeding flock. She is now here and has been treated for lice that she...
  2. Livinzoo

    Feather quality

    I have generally heard of hard and soft feathers talking about the flexibility of the feather shaft. But someone I know that shows poultry referred to hard feathers as the feathers that the barbs don’t stick together like normal. So is this indeed a feather quality issue or perhaps a result of...
  3. Livinzoo

    Swollen Teat on Goat, lying down and straining[help finding a vet too]

    Bethleham, Ga has a good vet. Dr Frost and Dr Thomlison You could take her in and save the house call fee.
  4. Livinzoo

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    I guess I should update I have been super busy. I had my baby Feb 6. He was 11 days early. Labor was long and difficult, but not too bad for a posterior baby that came out sunny-side up. He pooped before he hit the scale and still weighted 7lbs 14ozs. Probably was 8lb before the poo. He is...
  5. Livinzoo

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    Wow I'm due in less than 3 weeks with number 2. This pregnancy has gone so fast. Between chasing a 2 year old and farm stuff have barely had time to think about it all. I still have 2 trips to make to the 2 hour away processor next week. I'm getting nervous.
  6. Livinzoo

    Need to find a good hatchery for turkeys with no minimum

    I should have some white midgets hatching soon. I'm in Statham Ga, 3 1/2 hours from you, but occasionally go up 85 to see my parents in NC.
  7. Livinzoo

    Pamprin is a joke, Midol is worse - somebody help me before I lose my mind!

    a multi-vitamin is good if you are not already deficient. I would do a B-100 complex, vit D and some Magnesium Malate (or another chelated version not oxide) You will have to find a specialty shop or order offline. her is a link to a study on PMS and mag...
  8. Livinzoo

    Headine news: double egg in Texas...

    I had a quail egg that was huge and had a full size regular quail egg inside of it.
  9. Livinzoo

    Respiratory problem in CHickens and Turkeys

    I was given some adult birds by someone who was supposed to bringing me eggs. He was coming into town so brought them. My birds free range so I did the best I could as far a quarantine at a moments notice. I put them in a dog kennel. Well a few days after they arrived I noticed the rooster...
  10. Livinzoo

    I would like more information on cloth diapers.

    I cloth diaper. I'm cheap. Pocket diapers are too expensive for me and the few I have don't seem to hold things in as good as a prefold, snappi and cover. I got my diapers fro Green Mountain Diapers. They sell both prefolds and flats (the large dish towel like fold your own). Snappis are...
  11. Livinzoo

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    Ebwy2- No offense here. Congrats on your positive! I go in tomorrow morning to have a d & c. Its funny the nurse said you will be very fertile for 3-4 months so make sure you use protection. um yeah. But I was trying to get pregnant, my first cost about a grand to conceive with clomid and...
  12. Livinzoo

    Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

    I'm out. Just found out Thursday we have a blighted ovum. I was given the choice to wait it out and miscarry naturally which could take many weeks or have a d&c next week. Being that there was no fetal pole that tells me the baby has been gone since before 6 weeks and I'll almost 11 weeks...
  13. Livinzoo

    Ow Ow OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

    If you are already exposed to tetanus a vaccine for it will not do anything except give your immune system more to work on. If you are exposed to tetanus you should be given a tetanus anti-toxin shot, not a vaccine. That said have fun finding the anti-toxin as most ERs don't even stock it...
  14. Livinzoo

    Holderread line Cuyuga Eggs 12+

    4 hens laying, so plenty of eggs!
  15. Livinzoo

    Holderread line Cuyuga Eggs 12+

    These eggs are from my Cayugas from Holderreads. Very nice looking birds. 12+ eggs. $20 plus actual shipping. Their eggs start out black and go to a light grey. I can even put in some eggs from my white appleyards mated to my Cayugas if you want. I hatched one last year and she is black...
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