Recent content by Liza728w

  1. L

    Agressive Tom Turkey - What Should I Do?

    Wow! I never knew this was an issue for Turkeys. I had a bantam rooster imprinted on me and he'd try to mate with my arm (lol) but it wasn't serious as he only weighed 1 pound. I could easily grab him and set him back down. Looks like he will need to be dinner or penned up. I'd love to eat him...
  2. L

    Agressive Tom Turkey - What Should I Do?

    We have a pair of black Spanish turkeys. The boy has decided he wants to mate with humans.... biting, trying to mount our legs, etc. He's big too. This turned into just pure aggression. He attacks me every time I go outside now. If I grab him and push him away from me, as soon as I let go he...
  3. L

    4 year old Serama suddenly can't walk, help!

    Thank you for your advice! No new chickens except a baby from rural king. I have a sling I made for my old rooster, I will get it out and see if it will work for her.
  4. L

    4 year old Serama suddenly can't walk, help!

    It started with a limp, then she had trouble standing and walking, now she can't walk or stand at all. Her posture continues to get worse as she is "sitting" on her behind instead of laying down. Legs out in front of her. She is constantly trying to preen her booty and shaking her tail which is...
  5. L

    4 year old Serama suddenly can't walk, help!

    My four year old serama suddenly stopped being able to walk a week ago. She pushes herself backward and her legs go out infront of her. She's never done this before, I've had her ever since she hatched. I'm feeding her 1cc poultry cell, 200IU vitamin E and Omega egg maker daily. She is...
  6. L

    Rooster with paralyzed legs - I may have to put him down.

    I have a pet serama rooster, he's 7 months old. He's lived a really spoiled life as an indoor/outdoor rooster. He used to be my alarm clock every morning until his health started declining. 6 weeks ago, he started limping a little. I figured he may have sprained something so I was really...
  7. L

    How to start a bachelor pad for my roosters? Help please!

    I have 6 roosters that I want to start a bachelor pad for. I"ve never done this before. They are seramas. They are pretty mean (even to their hens), so I wanted to try a bachelor pad to get them out of their individual cages. I have a few questions I'd love to see if I can get answered.. : 1...
  8. L

    Chick breathing hard? What should I do? :\

    Still not good. I have an appointment on Tuesday to bring her into a livestock vet that can hopefully do something for her. :(
  9. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    She's on day 3 of full dose baytril, no improvements. Poor girl, I was really hoping it would work. She squeaks and still acts lethargic. She just had a sneezing fit a second ago. She's definitely drinking it, so it looks like it's getting in her just fine. Thinking about finding a place to do...
  10. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    I will also go to tractor supply tomorrow to see if they have LA 200. I think you're right, she could've just not drank enough of the water. I'm not sure though. I wish I had a vet near me that would see her. Southern Ohio/WV border doesn't have many options unfortunately.
  11. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    Thank you SO much for your reply back. I just ordered some baytril off of, hoping it will arrive soon. It'll be good to have in my medicine cabinet regardless if it helps clear this is up. She squeaks every time she breaths in and out, I feel so bad for her. Hoping for the...
  12. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    So update! By the time I tried the tylosin powder, everyone in the garage got over it just fine. It's just one hen that is still really struggling. I treated her with tylosin powder for the recommended 5 days, but 0 improvement. She heaves with every breath now and only wants to be fluffed up...
  13. L

    Rooster attacking his hen. Advice on what to do?

    I have seramas (very small bantams) that can't be outside during the winter. We just moved across the country to a colder climate so it's been 30's and 40's outside. All of my babies are in our garage with the heater going. I always lived in city limits so I kept just hens for years. As soon as...
  14. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    I will see if tractor supply has the tylan injectable. Thank you! He is a little serama weighing 15oz. His flockmate caught whatever this is as well and has the same symptoms. I kept my little serama rooster inside last night on a heat pad so I could watch him. Lots of rumblies in his chest and...
  15. L

    Sudden rumbling in chest, gasping, sneezing chickens? Best antibiotic?

    No new birds for the past 3 months. No stress other than temperature drop - but they go in the garage each night with a space heater. No bad odor. No eyelid swelling. No prior respiratory issues either except for the occasional sneeze when some of my chickens were young. I have one of my...
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