Recent content by lizm1221

  1. lizm1221

    Respiratory disease?

    Yesterday, we noticed our 2 year old brahma hen was sneezing quite a bit. We thought maybe she just had some dust in her lungs or something. But she is sneezing again today. I picked her up to check her over. Her breathing sounds raspy but other than that she seems fine. Her comb & face are...
  2. lizm1221

    Comment by 'lizm1221' in article 'My Primitive Coop'

    this is amazing! I love all the decorative features, those are some lucky chickens!
  3. Chickie Pie PALACE

    Chickie Pie PALACE

    So we are on year two of our chicken raising adventure, we have learned so much - and we love having backyard chickens! Over the past two years our chicken coop has had to evolve to hold our ever expanding flock. Our current coop is so different from what we started out with that it needed a...
  4. lizm1221

    Lavender Orpington chick genders

    thanks anyway guys, I knew it was a long shot! I guess I'll just keep the cutest and hope for the best :)
  5. lizm1221

    Lavender Orpington chick genders

    I know it's really early, but wondered if anyone wants to take a guess at the gender of my Lavender Orp chicks. They are almost 3 weeks old, we are rehoming 3 of them this weekend so trying to decide which one to keep (hoping for a girl). Which would you keep? Right now we are telling them...
  6. lizm1221

    What type of Orpington are this 3 chicks?

    I don't have any experience with blue, but I have 4 lavender chicks and they are all quite a bit lighter than chick #1. they are a very light grey/silver with a little yellowish on belly. so i would guess that one is blue
  7. lizm1221

    Raising Chicks in the summer.

    My guess would be that if they are not peeping and huddling they are just fine. Maybe at night, if the temps go down a bit, they might need some heat. We have 6 day old chicks with their momma and she has them outdoors all day (and they are not underneath her, it's too hot!)
  8. lizm1221

    Is it ok for young chicks to go outside in the summer time?

    I would let them out! Do you have a large wire dog crate or something you could put them in to keep them safe? Or do you have some scrap lumber and chicken wire? Maybe you could build a small, portable run for them? It's so hot out, I'm sure they would enjoy some cool breezes and shade. We...
  9. lizm1221

    My hens eggs didnt hatch.....................................

    Did you guys ever candle the eggs to see if they were developing? We just had a broody hen hatch out some eggs last week. We got her 13 eggs, a few broke along the way, but we candled them at day 7 and 14 and saw most were developing. We were so sad when day 21 came and went with nothing...
  10. lizm1221

    Run question - secure & small or large & open?

    thanks for the reply. We didn't get any roos we ordered fertilized eggs through the mail :)
  11. lizm1221

    How Do You Clean Out Your Coop?

    Every couple of days I go out and rake the run. Once a week I scoop out the poop under the roosts, and add more shavings (we do a kind of modified deep litter system). I clean out the feeder & waterer weekly. In spring and fall I take out all the shavings and scrub the walls, floors, roosts...
  12. lizm1221

    Run question - secure & small or large & open?

    I forgot to add, we don't have too many predators around here - I would be most concerned about loose house cats (which I don't see too many of). We do have hawks, but in the open area, about half of it is pretty thick brush so they could hide in there)
  13. lizm1221

    Run question - secure & small or large & open?

    We are on year 2 of our chicken raising adventure. We started out with 5 girls - they had a 100 square foot secure run that is 6 feet tall - hardware cloth buried 18 inches down and on bottom 2 ft of run, and 1 in poultry wire on top 4 ft and "roof"of run. So totally safe. This year we ended...
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