Recent content by llombardo

  1. llombardo

    Duck outside run

    I have river rock around the pool and mulch in the rest of the area. It helps a lot, but they still manage to make a poopy mess in a couple areas
  2. llombardo

    Hoover’s Mystic Onyx

    I got one and she is the sweetest. Very curious and knows her name, comes running when I call her. Beautiful breed.
  3. llombardo

    Finished the Coop...

    Started with the prefab. Chicken math happened, so I built a new coop. I had no plan and I had to work inside a covered run and around that. Lots of blood, sweat, tears and cursing. I'm not a carpenter and did the best I could by myself. The coop is about 8x12 with an area for each of the boys...
  4. llombardo

    Coop and Run Questions

    I find that wood chips hold well. You can rinse it down and it absorbs water well
  5. llombardo

    How to secure: Weasel&Coon on the loose

    To fill a small gap I had with gate I left exposed hardware cloth and sure as poop when they tried to get in, it shredded them up or at least I think it did by the blood left behind.
  6. llombardo

    Duck in A Chlorine Pool?

    After I saw the water where they did swim I would never go in a lake or waterway they are in--so much
  7. llombardo

    Runner Ducks And Cold Weather

    The chickes here completely empty the bedding in the duck house of given the chance. I can not see water in the duck house, ever.
  8. llombardo

    Runner Ducks And Cold Weather

    I didn't realize how small they are until I have been handling them more the last couple weeks. Nothing to them.
  9. llombardo

    Runner Ducks And Cold Weather

    I'm working on the run. I put the wood up because I'm enclosing it, so I moved them inside for safety purposes just in case. We have had 2 snow storms. One side came down because I didn't secure it right. I think it's good now but I'm watching it. I can't put them back out there until I know...
  10. llombardo

    Injury on bottom of foot

    So I moved them together in a large cage and on Friday I'm going to get yoga mats to put under the sheets I have in there, hopefully that is a soft enough surface for them to heal.
  11. llombardo

    Injury on bottom of foot

    So I just checked the other runner and she has it on both feet. She is now soaking. The two khakis seem to be fine. What a pain in the butt. She is even more feisty then the first one. I have that prid stuff which I may use on the second duck after the first round of soak iodine soak.
  12. llombardo

    Runner Ducks And Cold Weather

    Well let me tell you I got a duck waterer and it should stop the water mess quite a bit but I can tell you it's even more mess tgen a bucket. I have no clue what they do but everything is soaking wet.
  13. llombardo

    Runner Ducks And Cold Weather

    Are they cold hardy or not? I feel they are not, especially in consistent below zero temps reaching -50 at times.
  14. llombardo

    Injury on bottom of foot

    There is really nothing there to squeeze. I will double check after her long soak tonite. She definitely wants to be with the other ducks but they are way to messy and I want her foot clean.
  15. llombardo

    Injury on bottom of foot

    Update I got the iodine, but could not find clear. I did a long soak, opened it up some(removing the scab) and then put the iodine on there on Sunday. Next soak day is tomorrow, but I looked at it today and it's almost flat like I don't think a kernel is even in there? Is that possible?
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