Recent content by Lolliebeanz

  1. L

    Sour crop, aspiration, gasping...

    My year old silkie Pepper has sour crop for the 3rd time. Today is day 4 but only 18hrs on Nilstat. This morning she aspirated some of the sour liquid that she purged as I picked her up. She's gasping and occasionally coughing/sneezing. I know how bad aspiration can be but is there any hope...
  2. L

    Poorly silkie hen

    Further to my post, is it possible the eye injury caused her to not be able to find food yesterday and that is why she is so lethargic today? I only ask because she just spent 20mins going between her mash and Greek yoghurt, eating constantly
  3. L

    Poorly silkie hen

    Hi guys, I should start by saying I am a very new, inexperienced chicken owner. I have 5 silkies that I got in late January 2019. They are now approx 7.5 months old. One of them has been weak from the start. She has very curled in toes and hasn't grown as big and strong as the others. She's at...
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