Recent content by Loosiegoosie

  1. Loosiegoosie

    Jelly egg alien

    On the bottle it simply says calcium( from oyster shells) and vit D3
  2. Loosiegoosie

    Jelly egg alien

    All my ducks are eating Nutrena All Flock, breakfast and dinner is peas and mealworms and during the day they’re all outside eating bugs and grass.
  3. Loosiegoosie

    Jelly egg alien

    None of my ducks will eat them! They look at them, push them around a little and walk away.
  4. Loosiegoosie

    Jelly egg alien

    I sprinkle powdered calcium on her mealworms at breakfast but maybe that’s not enough of a sprinkle.
  5. Loosiegoosie

    Jelly egg alien

    First year layer duck popped this out on the kitchen floor! She was laying everyday for a few months, sometimes a jelly egg or a mini egg then went to an egg every 2-3 days then nothing for the past few weeks. Now today this! Is it just because she hasn’t laid in a while?! I’ve never seen...
  6. Loosiegoosie

    I need baytril but can't find it anywhere! carries it along with an all natural “antibiotic “ that’s supposed to work as well called “Respiratory” I just ordered both…
  7. Loosiegoosie

    Help! Duck having trouble breathing

    I forgot to mention thinking she had a concussion since she had some blood in her right eye. She also lost use of her right foot but retains the ability to move her legs and her left foot. She’s now coughing…or it kind of sounds like coughing but she shakes her head after like she’s got water on...
  8. Loosiegoosie

    Help! Duck having trouble breathing

    It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here for help which is good…one of my ducks had a tussle with one of my geese. She was found flapping around unable to walk in their pen. The first.few days she could breathe fine. She was eating and drinking with added electrolytes. Then she started...
  9. Loosiegoosie

    Once again I need help!

    Updated poop pic…I let her walk around to get this…does this point to an impacted crop or gizzard?
  10. Loosiegoosie

    Upper Respiratory Strikes Again

    I’m no expert and I have ducks but one of my ducks last year came down with a uri that wouldn’t go away. I used penicillin, the was recommended liquamycin and still it wouldn’t go away. I know someone who raises birds and is a wealth of knowledge it I was told most likely she is a carrier and...
  11. Loosiegoosie

    Once again I need help!

    Once again I have a sick duck. She lost her sister 6 weeks ago which broke my heart. That Duck one day stopped eating and was low energy. She stopped eating. Slept a lot. I held her most of her last day and the next morning I found her where she had fallen asleep. Now her sister Pato has...
  12. Loosiegoosie

    Coccydia in ducks

    :thumbsup Thank you so much! If all this info doesn’t help with getting them better there is a vet who is willing to try to help and will look at their poop! These are my 2 spoiled girls…That Duck is the one showing me how it feels to be an egg and Pato is the one with the light shining thru her...
  13. Loosiegoosie

    Coccydia in ducks

    I was just able to get a hold of a friend who rescues ducks and all kinds of birds. She has as much knowledge as a vet or more because there is only one avian vet 2 1/2 hours north up by Canada🙄 She gave me the correct dosing…less than what TS told me it was, and while TS told me to keep giving...
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