Recent content by Lukemjm

  1. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Update! Ducks are still doing well, and Carmella laid 2 eggs!! They were soft, gotta get some calcium supplements. Wife and I are out of state atm, will get photos when we return(a couple days). Thanks again for all of your support and for being an awesome community! :jumpy
  2. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    The ducks continue to do well. I put up hardware cloth for their entire run, so I am not concerned about other deterrent methods. I will update with photos periodically as they re-grow their neck feathers so you all can see how pretty they are, but they might molt before then. Thank you all...
  3. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Ok thanks. Her neck stopped bleeding pretty quick. It looks like Gregory accidentally picked off one of her scabs, it hasn't happened since. Thanks for all your help :)
  4. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    To be clear, Carmella seems to be ok with it, she isn't trying to get away, and she is showing typical courting behaviour. It also isn't constant, I've only seen it happen a couple times in the last 3 days.
  5. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Ducks are still doing well, I think they are trying to reproduce... Spring fever I guess. My only concern is that Carmella doesn't have feathers on the back of her neck anymore and when Gregory grabs on, he is pretty aggressive and made her bleed. :( Should I separate them? Or is this normal...
  6. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Things are going well! The ducks have been very happy back outside with their pool and the fresh breeze.
  7. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Weight update: Carmella is up to 5.7lbs and Gregory is still 6.4lbs. They are both very happy and flappy and cute! They are spending the night locked in their coop as they both were escaping our bananna box barricade and pooping all over the room. Also temperatures are up here, and the ducks...
  8. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Also, about Gregory's aggression, I'm pretty sure it is 100% him being protective of Carmella. When they were bathing, Gregory tried to mount her and she didn't want it. So I separated them because I wanted to give Carmella a chance to take a proper bath. Once Gregory was away from Carmella, he...
  9. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Weight update! Gregory weighed in at 6.4lbs and Carmella weighed in at 5.4lbs! Greg giving a big flap
  10. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

  11. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Gregory weighed in at 6.2lbs, and Carmella at 5.0. I'm going to check again this evening.
  12. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Going to let the ducks swim today! Temperatures finally went up outside. They are cute and happy. Going to weight them when I get home and I'll post a new pic as well.
  13. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    Didn't have time to weigh the ducks today, but they are very happy and they ate a bunch of food, and drank so much water. Gregory is aggressive towards everything except Carmella. He is very protective of her, and maybe thats why he is being aggressive.
  14. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    They're doing good! More energy every day. I was busy this morning so I couldn't weigh them, but I'll update soon. I fear they both are experiencing PTSD, as they are much more nervous and Gregory is more aggressive than before the attack. But I'm just glad they are alive.
  15. Lukemjm

    Green watery droppings molting brown leghorn not eating well

    Also, if your chicken ever stops pooping entirely, that is a serious sign that something is wrong. But like you said, this could be caused by stress of the molting, or by bullying or other outside factors that could be limiting food consumption. Best wishes for your hen, and I hope this isn't...
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