Recent content by Lyndssxo08

  1. Lyndssxo08

    Hen lethargic and passed pink fatty mass?

    My vet just told me to keep doing what I’m doing because she recovers and normally goes back to normal within a day or so. I just know to always keep an eye on her. She rarely lays eggs anymore which she really hasn’t for probably a year or two. Just has ones here and there. When I bring her...
  2. Lyndssxo08

    Hen lethargic and passed pink fatty mass?

    Good morning everyone, I have a hen Penelope that has been known to prolapse over the last couple years (she’s around 3 1/2 years old). Normally I have not had any trouble fixing the prolapse every time and she has always seem normal and healthy other than that. Earlier this week she wasn’t...
  3. Lyndssxo08

    Egg damaged right before expected internal pip

    It’s too big to put wax over unfortunately the duckling is moving around though and great deal and by the looks of the air cell size it should be the next day or so that it will be internally popping so do you think it will be ok as long as I keep the inner membrane from drying out should it be ok?
  4. Lyndssxo08

    Egg damaged right before expected internal pip

    Hi everyone, Ughhhh so let me first start off by saying I never let my husband usual touch any of my hatching eggs in my incubator but I was late getting off work tonight and one of my ducklings has hatched earlier and I told him it was a good time to remove it from the incubator and to leave...
  5. Lyndssxo08

    Cornish Rock chick - raising as pet?

    This makes my heart happy ♥️
  6. Lyndssxo08

    Cornish Rock chick - raising as pet?

    Thank you so much ♥️
  7. Lyndssxo08

    Cornish Rock chick - raising as pet?

    Thank you! They are the sweetest little things! I’m so happy and hope they both live long lives!
  8. Lyndssxo08

    Young hen with one swollen wattle

    Thank you! Yeah I have her on antibiotics and pain killer so let’s hope it gets better from here!
  9. Lyndssxo08

    Young hen with one swollen wattle

    @Eggcessive Ahhh you’re always to my rescue! I seriously need to meet you one of these days lol! There’s wire all around our run so something could have happened for sure! Here is a closer up picture I just took while I have her inside with better lighting. I have her antibiotics like 4 hours...
  10. Lyndssxo08

    Young hen with one swollen wattle

    No she’s eating cheese and her feed along with drinking water and happy as always lol. Just seems lethargic. I got a q tip and looks like a scrape or something on the wattle after cleaning it up and I noticed her throat seemed a little swollen on the same side as her swollen wattle too
  11. Lyndssxo08

    Young hen with one swollen wattle

    Hopefully that’s all it is! But not sure. She usually has more energy than what she is showing today.
  12. Lyndssxo08

    Young hen with one swollen wattle

    This is one of the young hens I hatched back in February of this year. She’s been doing great but when I went out to feed everyone this evening I found her up on one of the posts just laying down by herself (totally not herself whatsoever ever). I noticed one of her wattles was pretty swollen...
  13. Lyndssxo08

    Cornish Rock chick - raising as pet?

    Here’s an update on Meaty the chick I rescued at tractor supply back in March! 5 1/2 months old and she’s going strong! I bought her an AC unit and set her up a space in my shed since dying the days it’s about 90+ degrees here and put her with my meat turkey I rescued as well Albert (she’s...
  14. Lyndssxo08

    Wyze Cameras for security!

    Mine is about the same and works fine! :)
  15. Lyndssxo08

    Silkie Cochin mix chicks

    Here’s an updated pic of them once I got home - seriously the lighter chick, I don’t think I have seen a more perfect chick in all my life! Haha she’s gorgeous
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