Recent content by Lynn Manes

  1. Lynn Manes

    My chicks stink beyond stink

    We use vintage galvanized tubs as a brooder when we need something for just a few chicks. We use pine shavings and a 12" stone paver to elevate the waterer and food containers. We use a large galvanized horse trough if we are raising alot of chicks at once. Again we use pine shavings and...
  2. Lynn Manes

    How do you rat/mice proof your coop?

    I have read there are certain plants you can buy to ward off rodents. I'd suggest you do research online as to which plants are good. I think mint is one. But mint will spread everywhere,so it may be wise to contain the plants in pots. Put your plants all around the outside perimeter of your...
  3. Lynn Manes

    Pllleeeeaasssee help me with sexing these Ayam Cemani chicks

    Can you take a photo, and I need to see clearly a full wing spread out, please. If I can see clearlythe gull lower edge if the wing either side bc it doesn't matter which one, I will try to tell you based on the wing if it's a cockerel or pullet. I'm no expert, but I will try to help you. I have...
  4. Lynn Manes

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    103+47=150 2 BO's, 2CA Greys, 4 CA Gray crosses, 4 Frizzles, 7 Silkies, 1 Silkie cross, 3 Australorps, 1 Calico Princess, 1 Salmon Favorelle, 2 Black Sex Links, 2 Lavenderr Orpingtons, 1 Copper French Maran, 1 Barred Rock, 4 Ayam Cemanis, 1 white Cochin, 1 Blue Cochin, 4 Ameracaunas, 3 Ee's and...
  5. Lynn Manes

    Sexing chicks

    I'd say a hen.
  6. Lynn Manes

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    It's very difficult to tell at this age. I thought my first two were Male and female. Wring. I thought my 6 others were hens. Wrong again bc I ended up with 2 more roosters. The roosters will develop very large combs and wattles. The hens have very small combs and they will be smaller than the...
  7. Lynn Manes

    Help! 5 -6 week old TSC "Asian blacks", actual breed and gender?

    That first one looks like a California Gray. They are much lighter than BR's. They have very very dark gray and let. gray speckles that are kind of smeared looking. That's my best way to describe their pattern. A BR's coloring is black and white and very definitively a speckled pattern. I have...
  8. Lynn Manes

    Silkie colour

    The markings look like a Cream Legbar hen.
  9. Lynn Manes

    Water spilled overnight/ half my chicks dying!

    I use one of the smallest waterers you can get from Tractor Supply - the plastic one with the white cylinder water holder and red bottom. And I always put marbles in the water part to keep the quail chicks and my chicken chicks from drowning. The chicks won't be able to turn it over. I hope all...
  10. Lynn Manes

    Do you count your chickens before bed?

    I also always count in the evening. We have 3 coops, a broody coop, and as of now 3 small pens for my two baby ducklings, my two lavender Silkies and my two Ayam Cemanis. Then we have 4 adult Welsh Harlequin ducks that make their own beds in my yard every night that also get accounted for. Coop...
  11. Lynn Manes

    Rooster Saved My Whole Flock

    What a loyal and fantastic rooster Nathan was. I'm sorry for your loss.
  12. Lynn Manes

    Ended 11th Annual EHAL - Contest #3: Cutest Baby Fowl - Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    Our first Ayam Cemani chick hatched March 11. Photo taken on April 5th.
  13. Lynn Manes

    Ended 11th Annual EHAL - Contest #3: Cutest Baby Fowl - Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    Welsh Harlequin ducklings hatched by incubation on April 24. Photo taken at 3 dsys old
  14. Lynn Manes

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    We wanted to get chickens for eggs and meat. We started with about 6-8 pullets- 2 RIR's, 2 Delawares, a BR, an Australorpe and a Frizzle Cochin rooster, named Frizzle. I named them all right away. That ended the" for meat" part of our endeavors very quickly, added to the fact one of my...
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