Recent content by maceleneo

  1. maceleneo

    Help sexing Araucana chicks born on April 30

    8 weeks now, the lighter chicks show some red now! :hmm 1, darker with tufts 2, lighter with tufts 3, lighter without tufts group picture (from the past week)
  2. maceleneo

    Peeps in Europe!

    First of all, @abpatchy congratulations for your prize and for your beautiful birds! @fluffycrow so far I didn't get any shipped eggs either. One of my hens is sitting on a bunch of eggs since sunday but I didn't have the time to search for the eggs I wanted... I just gave her some of her...
  3. maceleneo

    Help sexing Araucana chicks born on April 30

    Thank you, the third one has the redder comb, but it doesn't show up in pictures!
  4. maceleneo

    Help sexing Araucana chicks born on April 30

    Upadte, one week later: 1 (darker with tufts) 2 (lighter with tufts) 3 (lighter without tufts) And this is my dog, she's very curious about the chicks taste, oops I meant gender!
  5. maceleneo

    Least flighty/most friendly blue egg layers?

    My Araucana is the sweetest hen I have, I'm not sure if this has something to do with the breed or if that's just her character. I don't have other blue egg layers, so I can't compare... but I have 3 Araucana chicks now and I hope they will be nice as my adult one!
  6. maceleneo

    Australorp roo or pullets?

    @dominiquePL Oh, these unpredictable Australorps! I won't make the same mistake again, no one can force me to guess: I just know that I don't know 😆😆😆 BUT if I had to guess, I would say female, male in the first group... and the second group I can't reall tell, because I don't understand wich...
  7. maceleneo

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    a lone wolf!
  8. maceleneo

    Peeps in Europe!

    @fluffycrow Oh, I'm happy for you! I couldn't hatch any eggs so far, the broody hen I had in April changed her mind when temperatures dropped, we had a very cold spring this year and no other hens went broody since then. I really hope your hen will try again soon! Anyway, due to my severe chicks...
  9. maceleneo

    I got a 10-week-old cockerel for my hens. Was it a mistake?

    Mine slept on the floor for a while too... but it's just a matter of time, he's going to grow up and he will find his place on the roost! Let us know! ;)
  10. maceleneo

    Gender guess: 6 weeks old Australorps UPDATED: 8, 9 and 10 weeks

    WOW! Mine is almost 5 months old and his comb and wattles are still so little! But he has gorgeous colors too!
  11. maceleneo

    Gender guess: 6 weeks old Australorps UPDATED: 8, 9 and 10 weeks

    Wow your rooster is stunning. How old is he?
  12. maceleneo

    I got a 10-week-old cockerel for my hens. Was it a mistake?

    I started with 5 pullets who were almost 11 months old when I added a 4 months old cockerel. He was super intimidated at first, he didn't crow until he was 7 months old and some hens did not allow him to mount them for almost a year and a half... but now they all love him. He's very sweet, he...
  13. maceleneo

    Help sexing Araucana chicks born on April 30

    Ha ha, no I've been disconnected for a while, still didn't update that thread! I already had an Araucana, I just wanted more so I jumped at the first opportunity! ;)
  14. maceleneo

    Help sexing Araucana chicks born on April 30

    Hi you all, let's play my favourite game! I know it's too soon to tell for a pea comb breed, but I'm going to update this thread until we solve the mistery. 1 (darker with tufts) 2 (lighter with tufts) 3 (lighter without tufts)
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