Recent content by macmac955

  1. macmac955

    Best Breeds For Free Ranging?

    Guinea fowl. They’re pretty tough, and they camouflage really well. They eat around 1000 ticks per day, and they’re good alarm systems for the rest of your flock.
  2. macmac955

    Basement flood - wet chicken food

    So I’ve been storing my chicken food in my basement and recently it flooded and got all of my food wet. I know I can’t use it now because of mold, but what do I do with it now? I don’t want to dump it in the woods because there’s a fox around, but I feel like I’d be wasting it throwing it out...
  3. macmac955

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Mustard likes treats… she mastered the puppy eyes 😂
  4. macmac955

    Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

    He doesn’t like me touching him anymore lol. Now he just stares into my soul with his creepy eyes.
  5. macmac955

    Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

    My chickens used to scratch at my shorts ALL. THE. TIME. My favorite noises are when they sneeze while eating and purring. When my roo was about 4 weeks old I used to hold him and he always purred and fell asleep on me ❤️
  6. macmac955

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    I couldn’t resist posting Plum striking a pose Name: Plum Age: about 3 weeks Color: buff Breed: Orpington
  7. macmac955

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Orchid Age: 7 months Color: buff Breed: Orpington
  8. macmac955

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Mustard giving the puppy eyes
  9. macmac955

    Easter Egger...without the fluffy cheeks?

    Yes, this is my EE Chip! She lays blueish green eggs.
  10. macmac955

    Euthanasia Fail

    I’m so sorry that this happened. A similar thing happened to me with cervical dislocation. Using my hands I did it to my rooster, but I don’t believe I did it right because I saw him blink. It was only until the next day that I realized the violent flapping while he burned was not a muscle...
  11. macmac955

    What do y’all think? Hens or Roosters?!

    I’d say watch them closely and pick the one that behaves better. Look for the rooster that will be respectful and protect the hens.
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