Recent content by maddysmamaw

  1. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanx. I had no idea. It’s a cutie though
  2. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    Hey y’all. I have a genetic question and I’m not sure where to ask on here. I just hatched a little fluff nugget from my two lovebirds, Piggy (silkie) and Fancy (polish). Which type of feathering is more dominant? Or will it be a combination of both? Or will this be a weird little frankenchicken?
  3. maddysmamaw

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    We made a farmer’s casserole with a garlic cheese grits crust, mexican street corn and biscuits
  4. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

  5. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    here’s hoping
  6. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

  7. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    It rained all night and the creek was already high, so this morning the field next door and across the street are flooded and there’s a raging river going down my driveway. Our house and yard are on a hill so we’re okay, but DD’s car can’t drive up our rough and rutted driveway, so she parks at...
  8. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    Happy Easter! Hope you all are having a blessed day. Mine started out grand, but it’s raining. (Sigh) Good for the garden. Not so good for me. My pot belly pig, Chunk, won’t go out to potty in the rain. He has to use his litter box. Guess who gets to clean it? 🤢
  9. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    Alright. You asked for them, lol.
  10. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    This is the little monster. His name is Piggy. When he was but a fluffball he would fall asleep in the food dish. The polish is his girlfriend, Fancy. Piggy’s beak is a little skewed to the side, kind of like a boxer who’s taken too many punches. I think he got squashed, either in the egg or...
  11. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    Diva, you are dangerous. I nearly choked on my tea!🤣
  12. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    I have two roosters and 14 littles. One rooster is sweet and cuddly, the other is a jerk. Every time I go outside he hurls himself at me like a furry cannonball. So I pick him up and give him snuggles. Absolutely drives him insane! 🤣
  13. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    So I did a thing. 🙄 I got silkies. I’m going to try and use them as incubators. They have to grow up first, though. 🤣
  14. maddysmamaw

    The Old Folks Home

    I’m okay, I reckon. Allergies are kicking my hiney, even with meds I’m sneezing and icky. I do love spring, tho. Our favorite girl has become a young woman over the winter. She’s not too thrilled about it either. Neither am I, to be honest. I’m not ready for this strange creature who is moody...
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