Recent content by Mama_in_the_Dell

  1. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Pullet with leg swelling x-rays included

    She is on an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic since Monday. No improvement so far except I think I can feel more of her bone at the joint and it doesn’t feel right. It feels sharp like there should be cartilage there or something. I do have a rooster where she was housed. So it’s possible he...
  2. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Pullet with leg swelling x-rays included

    She’s around 30 weeks old. She’s an Ameraucana so I don’t anticipate her laying for at least 3 more months at the earliest. I keep a closed flock except for chicks I get from breeders. The vet mentioned Mareks as a possibility but seems unlikely to me and I didn’t know it would cause tissue...
  3. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Pullet with leg swelling x-rays included

    I have a very special pullet who has had very swollen leg for at least the last 10 days. So special that I even took her to the vet yesterday and paid for X-rays only for them to have no answers. At least she was given medications that I hope help. One for inflammation and the other an...
  4. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Can anyone identify this 13 week old cockerel

    This is what she has. I have Leghorns (various colors including Exchequer), salmon Favorells, Ermine Ameracuna and Bantam Cornish Game hens. Nothing else. She also stated that she does sometimes let 4-H hatch out chicks and because we are both baffled she wondered if this was one she got...
  5. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Can anyone identify this 13 week old cockerel

    I’ve added pictures of him from a chick to feathering out to now. The breeder he came from does not have other birds like him. She has mottled leghorns which he somewhat resembles but looks more cream legbar mix to me (which she does not have). He started feathering in mottled but now looks more...
  6. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Isabel Ameraucana hatching eggs

    The only one I know of is the one they mentioned, Eight Acre Farms in Florida near Gainesville. Beautiful birds! I’ve got one girl and she’s sweet as could be but goes broody all the time. LoL All the rest were boys.
  7. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Hatching store bought Happy Eggs blue and brown heritage breed

    Sorry for such a late update but Happy yes, I only got one from the dozen. Only 4 total were even fertilized so I wouldn’t put a broody through that in case none hatched unless you had a few eggs with them that are definitely fertilized. Sorry for the late update. I forgot about this post...
  8. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Hatchery cochins vs showbird stock cochins

    I’m in Georgia if you can’t find any closer. However, I do not ship and though my birds came from good quality stock I’m still working on SOP myself. It’s a start though and a huge difference from hatchery quality in simply size alone.
  9. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Sick chicks died within hours of corid…poisoned?

    Thanks for replying. I’ve had sick chicks before but never had them die so quickly as I’ve heard others describe but I know it’s possible. They usually show signs for several days and either pull through or eventually get so weak they die. The timing just seemed so off that they would pass so...
  10. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Sick chicks died within hours of corid…poisoned?

    So I noticed two sick chicks about a week or two old out with mom today. I grabbed them this evening and brought them inside to their own brooder and fixed them some corid. I made a gallon with 2 tsp corid. Made them drink some and put them under the heat plate. Just checked on them and one has...
  11. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Is this gout? Swollen ankles and feet.

    From what I read the MS could have been passed through egg meaning from parents, is that correct? She has always been caged with her flockmates so she would be potentially exposing different chickens. All her flockmates are boys but I suppose I could pair her with one boy for company.
  12. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Is this gout? Swollen ankles and feet.

    I let her out to roam today. She was so happy. She dust bathed and followed me around. Didn’t seem in pain. Is there a way to find out if she is contagious before a necropsy (obviously I’m hoping she doesn’t die on me and I don’t want her so lonely forever)?
  13. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Is this gout? Swollen ankles and feet.

    I’ve got some new pictures. She’s got soft hay to stand on now but I snapped these a few days ago. Any ideas what I’m dealing with here.
  14. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Definition of “at large”

    They do not define at large but it seems to be implied that it means they are not contained in any way.
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