Recent content by MamaFox78

  1. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    Thanks everyone! I went to the store where I bought them, they replaced the dead chick for free and thanked me for telling them what happened. They didn't have corid, only medicated feed (which my ducklings can't have)... so I just dosed the chicks' water with NutriDrench and Arrive probiotics...
  2. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    I'll post pics asap... ran out to get corid as their poops are kinda runny. Would probiotics help with coccidosis? All they have is medicated feed, but my ducklings can't have that and they're in the same enclosure🤷🏼‍♀️
  3. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    Ok they might just be stressed from travel.... looked like a new shipment from Big R. I'll watch for runny poops, and if that's the case I'll do corid water! Thanks so much!!
  4. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    I don't know about their poops... just got them yesterday and they've been in the broody enclosure in my coop, with a brooder plate for heat. Feed is Scratch & Peck chick starter. Looks like they're perking up with the NutriDrench and holding them for heat. 🤷🏼‍♀️ What's corid?? I can try to...
  5. MamaFox78

    Sick chicks!😣

    Hi all! My daughter talked me into getting chicks from Big R, against my better judgement🙄 We just lost one buff orpington, another is sick, and so is one of the silver laced Wyandottes. Eyes closed, unable to walk and very uncoordinated... but they're still chirping. The Wyandotte seems a...
  6. MamaFox78

    Trying to integrate mamas & chicks

    That's kind of what I was thinking. Chipotle went after her with his spurs, which is unusual because he's normally so good with the hens. I had a nasty roo before whose aggression ended up getting him culled... I hope I don't have to do that with Chipotle, but the girls come first! 😅 I'll try...
  7. MamaFox78

    Trying to integrate mamas & chicks

    This is my first time with broody hens hatching eggs! I've got two hens raising 3 baby chicks, they hatched about 2.5 weeks ago. The mamas (buff orpington and bantam ameraucana) are wanting to get out of the broody enclosure, and I think it's time for the chicks to get out too. But when we let...
  8. MamaFox78

    Chicken lice infection

    I've used DE directly on my birds to kill lice, it seems to work quickly but doesn't totally get rid of the issue in the coop. Switched to permethrin dust, which also works and treated the coop much better... but I just discovered they have lice again! 🤦‍♀️ @Tookie do you know if permethrin...
  9. MamaFox78

    Hens not laying as much??

    Yes, I've been keeping them in the coop/run more lately and it's been helping... but still only got 6 eggs yesterday. They had always been good about laying in the nesting boxes even while free ranging... except for Taco, who likes to lay in weird places. I found 20+ blue eggs in the coop...
  10. MamaFox78

    Hens not laying as much??

    Hmm might be just a slow down... most of the girls are 1 year old, 4 of them are older (part of a rescue flock, unsure of age). We really haven't had much heat, only a couple days we've gotten up to 80. It's been unusually stormy this spring/ summer in the Rockies. 😝⛈ The broodies are also 1...
  11. MamaFox78

    Hens not laying as much??

    I'm not sure what happened! I've got a mixed flock of 14 hens & 1 roo - my laying girls are Brahmas, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, a Leghorn, RIR, Barred Rock, Silkie and Salmon Faverolle. Gone broody at the moment are one of my Buffies and my bantam Ameraucana, so they're out of the laying...
  12. MamaFox78

    Poop boards....

    That's good to know! Mine are so low, by the time I built the trays (using materials I had on hand) they weren't very far below the roosting bars. It's not a perfect setup, but it's a million times better than before! I'm planning to rig something so I can line the walls with empty feed bags...
  13. MamaFox78

    Poop boards....

    Can confirm - I built my poop trays and filled them with PDZ, what a game changer!! Also I swapped the sand for Hemp bedding, and it's a night and day difference!! No smell, no dust - super easy cleanup. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner! :ya
  14. MamaFox78

    4 chix need super home near Boulder, CO

    Aww little sweeties!! I would take them! 😍 I've got a solid coop and a great free range setup on many acres... they'd be happy chickies with 16 girls to keep them company, and one very good boi, Chipotle, to watch over the flock.
  15. MamaFox78

    I was told these were Araucana's

    Hahaha it's easy to do at places like TSC... I swear half the time they don't even know what they're selling! The Orpies will be great, the 4 in that pic grew up to be the most adventurous ladies in my flock. (See pic of them visiting my horses, which is a hike from the coop 😆) I would say it's...
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