Recent content by mar

  1. mar

    Chicken walking funny.

    When I got home, I went to check on her. She is acting totally normal. I decided to give her two drops of nutridrench undiluted just for extra protection. It is cold here about 30 degrees or lower at night. So i will keep an eye on her. Thanks for your suggestions. 😊
  2. mar

    Chicken walking funny.

    I thought she was done molting, but she did shake her head and a feather came loose. I also have nutridrench. I think I have some Vitamin E gel too. I'll try both of those. Thanks for the suggestions.
  3. mar

    Chicken walking funny.

    It does seem like there might be something with her crop or her head. The way she arches her neck. That is why I picked her up. Her legs look fine but it was kind of dark. I'm going to check her again in the afternoon. I'll try to take some picks If I can.
  4. mar

    Chicken walking funny.

    Hello, I have a 3 year old lavender Orpington walking weird. Just noticed it today. She pulls one foot up to her chest then arches her neck and extends her foot and places it down. When I pick her up she sqwauks at me. She is also puffed up so I’m treating her for coccidosis. I’ve just...
  5. mar

    Rescue chicken unable to move going on 2 weeks.

    I used elector PSP. Its been a week and I don't see any mites. I check her every day. I was thinking about a sling. That's a good idea. I've had her for three years can they just develop Marek's. Its weird.
  6. mar

    Rescue chicken unable to move going on 2 weeks.

    Heh, just thought i would see if anyone has any tips. I have been raising chickens for over 5 years and this new to me. I have a 4+ rescue possibly brown Lohman chicken. She has t laid for over a year and I’m not concerned about. Heat has been getting crazy, I noticed about a week and a half...
  7. mar

    Sexing Lavender Orpington

    Heh guys, I got two Lavender Orpington chicks that were straight run. Just wondering if you think this guy/girl is a roo. They are four weeks. The other one's comb is a lot smaller and is not pink but yellow/black. I have been wanting to have a roo. So I'll be fine either way.
  8. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    I think we have a new system. She will eat wet chick feed out of a spoon. I'm going to continue the Tylan 50 every day for a week. I'm hoping that eventually she will start trying the feed on her own. But until then I will offer it three times a day. I will put a little egg yolk on top and...
  9. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    Great. That's what I was thinking. She really is looking better. The other one would just stand around and sleep. She moves and pecks at her feathers and feet. So I'm really hoping she survives.
  10. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    How much do you think I should give of the Tylan 50? I was reading somewhere 1/10 of a cc. Would that just be a drop from a syringe? I've given it to a full grown chicken but not a chick before.
  11. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    I lost one today. The other one is pecking more and moving more. But still not interested in the chick feed. She did peck at some yolk and ate pretty good. Crossing my fingers.
  12. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    What about Tylan50? I have some of that.
  13. mar

    Feeding baby chick egg yolk.

    My other chicks are running around and pecking at the chick feed. Do you think they are older than these two?
  14. mar

    Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

    It’s up to you. Mine had wood chips.
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