Recent content by MarcoPollo

  1. MarcoPollo

    Burnt a stainless teapot, what to do?

    I'm sorry, I don't know how to help. But that pretty much sums up how I feel about Amazon.
  2. MarcoPollo

    Roosters attacking a hawk!

    If that hawk lives, it will probably swear off chickens for the rest of its life.
  3. MarcoPollo

    I'm confused by people sometimes.

    Thankfully most people I know are not getting chickens, but they ARE requesting and buying eggs from backyard chicken people and farmers instead of going to the store.
  4. MarcoPollo


    Great post. Made me think even more about what I think about every day.
  5. MarcoPollo

    What is this?

    A pole used for rolling big logs, right?
  6. MarcoPollo

    Chicken art!

    Very nice! That painting looks like a finely decorated sheet cake. And now I'm hungry for cake!
  7. MarcoPollo

    Chicken Breed Focus - Orpington

    Let me just say that I really, really like the Orpington breed!!!!I enjoy seeing all of your pictures and reading your stories about them.
  8. MarcoPollo

    Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

    I love true survival stories so thanks for the review - I will be seeing this one.
  9. MarcoPollo

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    This is a BYC member's chicken. Chickenzoo is their username. I knew I've seen that picture before, LOL. Are the other costumes from BYC too? The horse head one - how did they get a chicken to cooperate with that???
  10. MarcoPollo

    What type of rooster is this?

    So far that's the best picture I can get. He is a stray that has been lurking in the woods by the coop for about 2 weeks. He's obviously been introducing himself to my hens while we were at work. His comb is flat, maybe a pea comb? I cannot catch him to quarantine and don't want to kill him. My...
  11. MarcoPollo

    What type of rooster is this?

    Anyone know what breed he is?
  12. MarcoPollo

    2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    So many awesome pictures here. I love the variety! Good luck to everyone.
  13. MarcoPollo

    Let's share our chicken decor!

    Yay! More chicken decor. The feed bags are awesome. It reminds me of how people made clothing from flour sacks.
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