Recent content by MareeZoCool

  1. MareeZoCool

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    These chickens got some warm pasta/egg-drop Mac & cheese(home made), a pear, 2 apples, celery w/ peanut butter & seeds. They're out on the range as we "speak"
  2. MareeZoCool

    Feeding chickens for cheap

    Sorry to repeat everyone's words; There MUST be a lot of wasted food in the feeding area. Sounds as if those chickens are fussy, and kicking or pecking around the plain feed to pick out the tastier bits and pieces. They might not be hungry enough to eat their food properly.
  3. MareeZoCool

    Caption please?

    "Thank you...... My body toning? My regular flock and I free rang for hours daily. We must walk at least 2 miles each day!"
  4. MareeZoCool

    adding one new pullet to existing flock? how long does it take?

    When we intro a new member to the group, we stay close watching them that first day any aggressiveness will give the offender a day in the dog kennel-crate(jail) We find this helps the general population calmly ajust and accept the new girl. With good luck & the bully locked...
  5. MareeZoCool

    Aggressive chick that bites me

    Ouch! I would protect my hands first! Wear a pair of gardening gloves, try green or blue, to separate your coloring from your skin. That extra layer of cloth is a nice barrier when chicks bite.
  6. MareeZoCool

    How is it introducing a new Roo to an established flock of JUST girls?

    Hello from Ohio ! I would suggest that the hen in ICU be reunited with the flock BEFORE you bring home your new rooster. :oldMy simplest method for intoducing any new member is to place them in a wire dog crate, allowing everyone to look BUT NOT TOUCH for at least one hour before releasing...
  7. MareeZoCool

    Hens and new chicks

    I would suggest locking those two older hens in a wire dog crate for the introductions.Give them some treats. Allow the new chickens to walk freely in the coop/run/ area for a few hours, even 24 hours to get aquainted with their new home. The NEXT day, take your older hens out to the run and...
  8. MareeZoCool

    4 rescue hens 1 month no eggs, any advice please.

    Hello chicken lover! Here's a couple things to try; #1 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR~ 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon added to your chicken's drinking water. #2 RAW OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL~ add 1 cup tp the daily feed or treats. GOOD LUCK, AND HAPPY FLOCKS TO YOU!
  9. MareeZoCool

    Bad bad hen! - UPDATE - Progres....kinda

    Would you possibly have enough space for a spare tire in your run or coop , to use as a nesting box?
  10. MareeZoCool

    Do I need to show my hens their hen house?

    My chickens were so happy with the coop we built, they moved in at sunset. We didn't think it was ready, but who knows what chickens desire for their houses?
  11. MareeZoCool

    Wow chickens love wheatgrass

    Hello, I'm free-ranging my flock. They follow us around every time we mow our wheat-straw lzwns. There are times we must stop and wait for them to move out of our path:rant Sure don't want things flying out of the chute hurting them! I truly don't know if wheat grass is the best for...
  12. MareeZoCool

    Are they refusing the pellet? or do they really eat that little?

    Sounds as if your chickens are as finiky as mine. LOL! Toss a cup of raw old fashioned oatmeal in with those pellets. my girls love the variety and seem to adore pecking & searching for their favorite bite. Keep feeding those layer pellets, your chickens will gobble them up.
  13. MareeZoCool

    7 Eggs 18 Hens, here's my gameplan, whats your thoughts?

    Are you free rangeing your hens? If yes, could be that you are releasing them too early.... like before they get around to laying their egg of the day. My hens generally lay 1 - 2 hours after the morning ration of layer feed.
  14. MareeZoCool

    Help- What are my young hens doing in these pictures? **Updated**

    I'd say yourbeautiful hens are sun bathing. They stretch out their wings to help regulate their body temp.
  15. MareeZoCool

    Bonjour From Québec Canada

    From THE Mid Ohio Valley, USA Hello MacQuebec ! I'm delighted to see aCanadian's post in here. My mother was born & raised in Alberta, Her family still lives in Calgary ~I've lost contact.{I'm such a mess!} Enjoy your chickens BEFORE they become gumbo ~ or pot pie!
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