Recent content by mariljn64

  1. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    Actually, we have a metal roof which is supposed to be the best for collecting rain water. I think it has just been so humid here this summer that mold and mildew was starting to form in there. I should have cleaned it out sooner, but didn't think about it. Bad, chicken Mom! Sigh. As for the...
  2. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    Well, I started giving the sick hen water infused with activated charcoal yesterday by syringe. I gave 5cc every two hours. I had her in quarantine with lots of fresh water. By evening she started to perk up and this morning she was back to her normal self. Had to be toxins. Thank you all for...
  3. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    No new members in the flock. I'm wondering if it is the water. I water them from our rain barrels. I'm going to clean them today. Going to clean all food containers, too, as well as the coop (with bleach), and disinfect everything. Thank you for your advice. It seems like the ones that are being...
  4. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    Another hen has died. Same symptoms. However, this time I noticed a whitish mucus discharge from her vent. I wondered about coccidiosis, but there was no bloody stool in any of the hens and none of my younger hens have been affected. Not sure what to do.
  5. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    Thank you so much for your response, and your sympathy. My ladies are pets and not just producers. Sigh. Thanks, also, for the electrolyte info. I have only been giving it in one bucket every other day. The other is nothing more than clean rain water. I, also, appreciate the possible prognoses...
  6. mariljn64

    Two Suspicious Deaths

    In the last week I've had two of my older hens die (by older, I mean 3 years old). They were not egg bound, but over the course of a few days they became a little sluggish, combs were pale, feathers dull, staying away from the rest of the flock. I tried giving them extra protein, since both...
  7. mariljn64

    Sick Hen

    No, not that I've noticed. I've treated her for ecoli . . .yogurt, vit. E, probiotic, with egg yolk for protein. I also isolated her from the flock for a day. I don't think she ate much of it if any, though. She seems to be doing a "little" better but still not herself. If it is coccidiosis, how...
  8. mariljn64

    Sick Hen

    I have a hen who is lethargic, has yellowish poo, and when I probed her vent, saw a bit of blood on my glove. She is NOT egg bound. I felt no egg when examining her. Any ideas what this might be? I know that's not much to go on, but . . . Any insight and input would be appreciated.
  9. mariljn64

    Hen With Respiratory Problem

    Thank you. I have isolated her. I will try to get some Tylan50 today. The crazy thing is that she doesn't have any of the other symptoms of these diseases. She's not lethargic, she's eating well, drinking, no watery eyes, no discharge - just raspy breathing. None of my other hens are showing any...
  10. mariljn64

    Hen With Respiratory Problem

    Thank you. Yes, I have separated her from the flock. I, too, thought at first it was just something stuck in her throat because she didn't have any other symptoms. She's eating fine, drinking, not lethargic-just congested. Still has that raspy, gurgling breathing sound.
  11. mariljn64

    Hen With Respiratory Problem

    I have a hen who sounds like she has a "chest cold" . . . gurgling when she breathes, coughing, shaking her head and arching her neck to try to expel something in her throat. I've looked at similar threads here on BYC and have researched the links provided but her symptoms don't fall into any...
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