Recent content by Mary_Ann

  1. Mary_Ann

    Red Sexed Link Oppinions...

    Hi Everyone, I gave my heritage breeds to a 4H kid and got 11 red-sex-linked pullets. they are a cross between a RIR roo and a White Plymouth Rock hen. They've just started laying and I'm getting 7 - 9 eggs a day. I think two haven't started laying - no egg squat yet:o) They have already...
  2. Mary_Ann

    Maryland!!!!!!!!!!!! Woop :)

    Hi from Baltimore County and the Welsummers, Marans and 1 Americana!
  3. Mary_Ann

    Wanted: Red Star pullets in Maryland

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for 4 or 5 red star pullets. I'm in Baltimore County and can travel a an hour or so to purchase them. If anyone know of any please let me know. Thanks!
  4. Mary_Ann

    Review by '' on item 'Marans'

    I will probably always have a few Marans because I love the color of the eggs and the amazing richness of them. But I had no eggs from Sept. through Dec. and had to buy eggs from a local farmer. I'll get better layers for production, but they won't be as beautiful as the Marans. They are not...
  5. Mary_Ann

    Comment by 'Mary_Ann' in item 'Welsummer'

    The sweetest hens I have ever had. I also got my younger ones from Whitmore Farm - one of them comes up to me to be petted. The very rich eggs range large to Jumbo and can be almost as dark as my Marans eggs.
  6. Mary_Ann

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Old Timers, Newbies, Everyone! I thank all of you for valuable knowledge you have shared with all of us. I'm just over a 2 yr. newbie and am hungry for everyone's ideas and tips. Old Timers, you have more knowledge in you little pinky finger then most of us have all pooled together - please...
  7. Mary_Ann

    When can my chicks go outside?

    I think you just answered my question. Your chicks are in your basement, except for the hour outings, until they are old enough to join the big girls?? I have 2 wk chicks in my dining room, would love to keep them in my sun room except the heat last week hit 102 in there and I was worried...
  8. Mary_Ann

    Mad as hell- they're all gone..

    Mikee, I am so sorry! Unfortunately I know exactly how mad you feel. I lost 6 hens the day after Easter. I went outside to feed them and there was one body with no head or neck, another body in my garden and a third in my neighbors yard. The three others were MIA. I thought I forgot to close...
  9. Mary_Ann

    Laying Egg with no shell

    PJL, I have on hen that has been doing the same thing the past 3 weeks. I hard boil the egg just like an egg with a shell and it's fine. I'm still trying to figure out which hen it is and be able to give her whatever the "cure" is. Have been giving lots of ground oyster shell and some extra...
  10. Mary_Ann

    When Should I De-worm my chickens?

    Hi All, I've only been owned by my hens for 11 mo., but I have been using food grade DE every month or so. Sure as can be after a couple of days dead worms start passing through - usually by one RI Red. She seems more susceptible then the others. With the DE you don't have to worry about the...
  11. Mary_Ann

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    You are all amazing! I have a BR who stopped laying, sitting on an empty nest ( I kept stealing everyone eggs until everyone else choose another nest). I'm not sure I could put her in water, but I'm ready to try anything. Was just about to get rid of the wire puppy crate, but may give that, or...
  12. Mary_Ann

    Wanting to try organic Grass feed ground beef....

    It's great! I also get free ranging pork from a rancher here in MD - the difference is amazing and sooo very good! Mary Ann
  13. Mary_Ann

    Am I wrong to not free range?

    Their safety comes first. free range is great as long a bear isn't waiting in the bushes. I have 2 German Shepherd who are just waiting for free range hens to be a snack on toast - sooooo, they stay in their run with lots of greens, scratch and occasional meal worms from the local pet store. I...
  14. Mary_Ann

    How do i make a box lemon cake taste more "lemon"??

    I have to agree with the lemon peel - it REALLY adds a good lemon kick without any chemical or food coloring. Enjoy whatever you choose!
  15. Mary_Ann

    Anyone non-religious here? Please be nice!

    This is a topic I never thought I'd find on BYC, but am so very glad I did! I was raised strict Catholic, raised my children Methodist and even studied the Jewish faith. It seemed like every group had those who "talked the talk", but in real life were hypocrites who flew in the face of "the...
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