Recent content by Marykate22

  1. M

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Super busy with life. My sister had a heart transplant 2 weeks ago so chicken life is kinda in the background. My flock was diagnosed with Mereks and I’ve lost quite a few of my girls. Trying my best just to keep everyone happy and safe.
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    Balsy fox

    Thank you💜. I’m so sorry about your gang. Raccoons are terrors but this fox is a new level. She wasn’t threatened by me at all! Their run/coop is a fortress so I’m confident when they are in they are safe, hardware cloth around and covering, it’s just allowing them some scratch/dig time. I...
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    Balsy fox

    I was out with them when the fox attacked. I have hardware cloth around their run and buried 2 feet around the perimeter. It’s 24 x12. They are just used to free ranging 3 acres and are loosing their minds 😭Definitely in shock. I’ve been giving them xtra protein but will start with the vitamins...
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    Balsy fox

    Hi y’all. I have a question and or am looking for advice about a fox issue. Tuesday I lost three girls in the middle of the afternoon. Just completely disappeared. We live in the middle of the woods haven’t had any issues this year since the trees have been fully leaved. Hawks were a huge...
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    Can anyone tell if this is canker? A good amount of my flock has this red around their beak but she is the worst. Swollen and hard under beak. All are eating and drinking fine
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    Disabled chick

    I’ll try for a better one tomorrow
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    Disabled chick

    Is anyone here close to cincinnati Ohio that can take on a cross beak Easter Egger? She’s 11 weeks old and the sweetest thing. I’m unable to provide the care she needs. Hand feeding 3-4 times a day
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    Aggressive Rooster

    It was just to keep him from attacking me
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    Aggressive Rooster

    I know it’s the right thing for the hens and myself but I can’t begin to know what to do with him. I don’t want to put him on another flock but I can’t cull him. What a mess
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    Aggressive Rooster

    Thank you. I’m afraid I’m going to have to send him away. He’s becoming more aggressive with my hens. He’s torn one up so badly that I don’t know if she’ll make it. I’m so upset about all of this.
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    Aggressive Rooster

    I have and even use a clothes basket to put over him on the advice of my vet. I’m beginning to think he likes the challenge of it all
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    Aggressive Rooster

    I’m afraid he falls in the latter category 😂
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    Aggressive Rooster

    Thank you for the advice. I’ll keep at it and keep you posted
  14. M

    Aggressive Rooster

    Ok. I will refrain from calling him. I try never to show my fear but he definitely thinks he’s going to get me to submit one day
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