Recent content by MaybeItsFine

  1. M

    Chicken sits in nesting box but doesn’t lay

    Thank you so much! Should I put the fake egg in everyone’s favorite box or in one of the other boxes? I have three but everyone lays in the same one if they can. Petunia was not broody when she passed. She was acting normally and I’m still reeling from her untimely demise. I’ve been helicopter...
  2. M

    Chicken sits in nesting box but doesn’t lay

    A bit of [hopefully relevant] background: I had a small flock of four chickens, Petunia, a Cinnamon Queen - also the head hen, Rose and Lily, Rode Island Reds, and Dahlia, a Barred Rocks. They are all a year and a month old and I got them from my local tractor supply. Sadly, my Petunia suddenly...
  3. M

    Can I meal prep with backyard eggs?

    Thank you!! I was worried that meal prepping with unpasteurized eggs would make meal prepping with them a bad idea. I’m so glad that’s not the case! Having breakfast ready in the morning makes life so much easier! Dahlia says thank you!
  4. M

    Can I meal prep with backyard eggs?

    I prefer to meal prep breakfast. Am I able to make breakfast bowls with the eggs from my hens and reheat them through the week? I added a picture of Dahlia for no reason. ❤️
  5. M

    Chickens hate their coop?

    Thank you! I spent way too much time decorating it! 😂
  6. M

    Chickens hate their coop?

    Thank you! The dimensions for the cut are really helpful.
  7. M

    Chickens hate their coop?

    Hi! I bought a jigsaw the other day specifically to cut some more windows for them. I unfortunately don’t have any shade trees nearby since the land was recently developed, but I do have a shade cloth that covers the wall of the run where the sun is strongest. To make sure I understand, the new...
  8. M

    Chickens hate their coop?

    relevant information: - 4 chickens (1barred rocks, 1 cinnamon queen, 2 Rhode Island reds) - all of the chickens are 5 months old and three of them have started to lay within the last 2 weeks. - Located in middle Tennessee, near Nashville - using this chicken coop and run...
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