Recent content by mazdacrzy

  1. mazdacrzy

    Georgia needs help passing State-wide Chicken Law

    I am crossing my fingers that this passes! I tried to change the ordinance in winder and failed.
  2. mazdacrzy

    Met Mazdacrzy and countrychickengirl Today!

    We had a blast!!! I think I get this bumper sticker since Lisa got the "chllin' with my peeps". I am going to take it to work and put it on my tool box. Thanks again for being so hospitable to us!!! We will keep you informed on the progress!!!
  3. mazdacrzy

    Boiled peanut time

    You ain't lived till you've eaten a boiled peanut!!! I shouldn't have opened this thread, now I am stuck at work wanting boiled peanuts now!!!
  4. mazdacrzy

    US Senator Telling Brig. Gen. To call her Senator not Ma'am?

    I happen to agree with you jjdward, down where we are from saying yes ma'am and no ma'am is a sign of respect.
  5. mazdacrzy

    Rhode Island Whites Wanted

    because they are hard to find and they are pretty. if i had enough room i would have some.
  6. mazdacrzy

    wanting to see some golden sex links

    I have a golden comet (was suppose to have more but long story) here are some pictures of her from a couple days old to about 8 weeks. She is 12 weeks now and I can take some more pics of her after I get new batteries for the camera. This is of her at aprox 2 days old w/her sister. This is at...
  7. mazdacrzy

    Where do you guys get your wood shavings?

    I get mine from walmart. 5 cf is only about $6.
  8. mazdacrzy

    Building windows, or is it okay to be dark?

    I used plexiglas from lowes. They have all different sizes and is not that expensive. I made 2 10"x8" windows and the 10"x8" sheets of plexiglas was $1.50 a piece.
  9. mazdacrzy

    Tractor Supply Chicks

    Our tsc in winder just got their chicks in today. They got straight run rir and assorted pullets. My neighbor went down there at 5'oclock today and got 3 rir, 2 barred rocks, and 1 buff orp. He said when he left there were only about 10 assorted pullets left, but they had plenty of rir.
  10. mazdacrzy

    What are the benefits of keeping ducks? What do you do with them?

    Wild wood ducks here in Georgia are the one of the most favorite ducks to hunt. From what I hear they are very good eating.
  11. mazdacrzy

    Will the vacuum scare my chicks to death?

    mine doesn't have a problem with the vacuum, but ours isn't that loud.
  12. mazdacrzy

    Painting the coop

    I have primed and painted two coats of exterior paint to the inside of my coop that I'm in the process of building. I painted it so when I clean it out and it is really nasty I can use a water hose and not hurt the wood.
  13. mazdacrzy

    For those who's spouses don't play along....

    I wouldn't be able to get away with that!!!! For some reason you ladies are always paying attention to what us guys are up to!!!
  14. mazdacrzy

    Looking for Buff orps in GA

    Hey I live in winder and the tractor supply store here is supposed to get their shipment of chicks in on next monday, march 16th. I don't know for sure what kind of chicks they will get but since buff orps are pretty popular they may have some.
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