Recent content by Mebrou

  1. M

    Trim This Beak??

    Thanks! She truly is the sweetest lil’ thing. Yes, I see her doing it throughout the day and she eats and drinks just fine. I’ll keep an eye on her but it sounds as though she’ll be just fine. Thank you!
  2. M

    Trim This Beak??

    Great, thanks!
  3. M

    Trim This Beak??

    Hello, all. Does this girl need a bit of beak filing or does it look okay? She free-ranges all day and has plenty of access to rough surfaces. I truly appreciate your feedback!
  4. M

    Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

    She finally laid! 2 weeks shy of 8 months old. Gorgeous speckled olive. And almost full-sized 😳
  5. M

    Rooster Limping

    This is very good insight, thanks so much for sharing. I’ll update you once I hear back from the vet.
  6. M

    Rooster Limping

    Do you mean you “wouldn’t”? I know chickens hide pain very well and that’s what keeps me on the fence. He gets around, eats, drinks, forages, tries to catch the ladies, and seems overall okay. That’s why I’m so torn. He doesn’t act depressed or as if he’s in serious pain.
  7. M

    Rooster Limping

    Curious if the amoxicillin did indeed help as well. I never finished the treatment since I was ready to have him euthanized after the curled toes and there was absolutely no change. We got through most of the treatment though. No difference in the limp. But he’ll chase after the ladies here and...
  8. M

    Rooster Limping

    Okay, very bizarre, but after a couple weeks with the curled toes they just uncurled. I’m still waiting for the vet to advise on whether or not she thinks we should attempt a different antibiotic based on the possibility of it being a different infection, or if it’s more humane to put him down...
  9. M

    Rooster Limping

    Vet said his symptoms didn’t align with Mareks. I’m wondering if the curling is due to supporting himself on his tippy toes for so long they got sore/possibly dislocated. They curled one by one. After scouring the net I found a post you commented on regarding Mycoplasma synoviae and the symptoms...
  10. M

    Rooster Limping

    Yes, I do that daily. Also tried nutri-drench here and there. I’m at a loss.
  11. M

    Rooster Limping

    Update: still no improvement. Took him back to the avian vet. All bloodwork is very good. Vet said symptoms don’t align with mereks or gout and definitely not bumblefoot. Put him on antibiotics to see if that helps. We’re halfway through treatment but no change. Vet will speak to an avian...
  12. M

    Hen afraid of rooster

    Does this actually work? Never heard of this method. Intriguing.
  13. M

    Rooster Limping

    I don’t really notice a whole lot of improvement. Definitely doesn’t seem worse though. However, tonight will be the first night since his meds have run out so we’ll see how he does. I’ve had him in a crate for a week and a half. Vet said 10-14 days. I take him out throughout the day to hold him...
  14. M

    Young Rooster Limping

    Did your rooster make a recovery? I’m experiencing the same issue. Been over a week with no improvement.
  15. M

    Whats wrong with my chickens foot?

    How’s he doing? I’m experiencing a similar issue. Vet said soft tissue swelling and gave Rimadyl. It’s been about a week since I first noticed the limp and three days on meds. Been keeping him in a crate. Don’t see improvement just yet but I’m hopeful. I ready that ACV soaks heal inflammation...
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