Recent content by melanie_s

  1. melanie_s

    Butchering process help?

    Have you tried any yet? We butchered 28 red rangers last November -- our first harvest -- and I absolutely loved them. Great for soup.
  2. melanie_s

    We did it! Our first meat bird harvest

    Right! We got them August 20, 2019 and harvested them November 1, 2019. :D
  3. melanie_s

    We did it! Our first meat bird harvest

    Everyone, we did it! Ordered 25 chicks from Freedom Ranger hatchery last August, they sent us 28, all of which survived. Last Friday we harvested 28 birds! Thanks to my organized husband, processing took about 5 hours, plus an hour to clean, an hour to bag, then another hour to clean that up...
  4. melanie_s

    What got you interested in exhibition?

    Interesting, thanks for the replies! So, how did you choose your breed(s)? And did you start with breeding stock from another breeder? I'm trying to figure out which breed I'd want to work with and how to get started.
  5. melanie_s

    What got you interested in exhibition?

    Hi all! I'm fairly new to backyard chickens and just watched the movie Chicken People. :) I'm realizing there are lots of things you can do with chickens. I'm interested in 2 right now: raising meat birds and learning more about showing. My question is, why do you like showing? What's fun or...
  6. melanie_s

    Processing Silkie Roos

    I read that silkies are eaten as a delicacy in some places!
  7. melanie_s

    My sweet little (big) Hei Hei....

    Don't feel bad. We are all learning and we all make mistakes. You did everything you could and you sound like an awesome chicken keeper. Out of curiosity, how old was she when she passed away?
  8. melanie_s

    Semi-new chicken owner in VA :)

    @rjohns39 - Thank you so much for you post above. I spent the morning at Polyface (they're just an hour from my house). You're right, they were extremely helpful and accommodating. They have their summer interns doing the processing right now. The interns were so knowledgeable and patient, even...
  9. melanie_s

    help with meat bird breed

    This is great, thank you!
  10. melanie_s

    help with meat bird breed

    I am in the USA. Which hatchery are you referring to? Sorry, I scrolled back but didn't see it.
  11. melanie_s

    help with meat bird breed

    This is a great thread for me, as I'm interested in raising heritage meat birds also. Except I just want to do it for fun/interest, rather than profit. And I'm not in Ireland. Good luck to you!!
  12. melanie_s

    Semi-new chicken owner in VA :)

    That's awesome. I emailed and they said I could help them process chickens! Excited. :) Does anyone here raise heritage chickens for meat? If so, I'm curious what everyone's breed preferences are.
  13. melanie_s


    They look nice, what are they mixed with?
  14. melanie_s

    Semi-new chicken owner in VA :)

    Thank you! I've heard of Polyface but didn't realize they might be approachable. :) I'll check them out!
  15. melanie_s

    Review by '' on item 'Star'

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