Recent content by Melissa67137

  1. M

    Hello from Wichita, Kansas

    Hi Cliff, I am an hour from you and I just started with my flock a few years ago....I only have 4 hens. So far I know Rhode Island Reds and BarredRocks are good in this area as someone I know has consistantly raised those breeds with no problems. Personally I have a rescued gaming hen and 3...
  2. M

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Thank you for your response. Let me see if I understand what you are saying about the molting and resuming. From now on they can molt before Oct/Nov but still won't restart until after Jan/Feb of the next year? Is this typical no matter the breed of chicken or are there breeds that do better...
  3. M

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    i am also having issues with hens not laying for the first time. my first was a rescue hen so there's no way to know her age.....this is her 3rd winter with me......she molted in June/July and hasn't laid a single egg since. i think she just may be done laying. however I have 3 easter eggers...
  4. M

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got zero - zip - zilch today and for the last several days. A bit of background: I have only 4 hens, the oldest I think needs to meet the stew pot as she hasn't laid since she went through molt back in June/July....she was a rescue and I think she is to old to continue laying. The other 3...
  5. M

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #13

    I keep thinking I have missed the results. Seems like the biggest event of my year lol!!!
  6. M

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #13

    Waiting patiently for the results!!!
  7. M

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    Oh man do I have to pick just one thing that is more my opinion all three are equally important as I am disabled and anything that makes chicken keeping easy for me to continue doing it great in my world. The long warranty lets me be worry free in that my coop would be kept in...
  8. M

    No wire fencing required for chicken run?

    Ok,I am on disability myself and get a tiny amount of food assistance. My advice, watch Craigslist and FB Marketplace for old chain link dog kennels. Sometimes people have them for almost nothing. Then get basic chicken wire to start with and put across the top with a tarp over it. As you...
  9. M

    The Great Debate: Free-Range vs. Coop-Raised Chickens

    Personally to me, with so many flicks getting wiped out due to bird flu being so prevalent the last few years, free ranging isn't an option ....I look at it as being a responsible chicken keeper.....bird flu is contagious and can wipe out my flock that I worked hard to get and keep as safe as I...
  10. M

    How much did your first egg cost?

    Same for me. I had an old chainlink dog kennel already, and was gifted a rescued hen, used an old pet taxi for the coop, and was given 2 gallon bags of feed. I just had to buy some chicken wire and hardware cloth to secure the run. So first egg was pretty cheap. To this day my eggs aren't...
  11. M

    Decapitated chicks inside cage?

    This is exactly how my one chick looked when the old hen about pecked her to death......seperated chicks from hen, or make small escape hiding places for the chicks to get away from the old hen......on the wounded chicks use vetricyn spray multiple times a day for several days and my chick...
  12. M

    First winter storm & lessons learned

    We all learned something through this first winter storm. It all hit here in Kansas also. My car showed -8 that morning at 9:45am, I have no idea the wind-chill for sure but it sucked!!! I had to drive to 2 doctor appointments in that yuck!!! The snow squalls ripped the plastic shower...
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