Recent content by menageriemama

  1. menageriemama

    Yum or Yuck?

    Yum! Beer brats?
  2. menageriemama

    Do you have a favorite breed of dog?

    I my Rhodesian Ridgeback.
  3. menageriemama

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    Going to a local bar+grill for the Packer v Vikings game, and having pizza. Yay for a night off from the kitchen!
  4. menageriemama

    Like or Dislike?

    Like. freshly sharpened pencils?
  5. menageriemama

    Anybody have how to for Hard cider or Apple Wine?

    I don't have info, but stumbled across some homebrewed hard cider randomly at a Halloween party last week. It was DIVINE. So smooth, apple-y and not too sweet. Hope someone here can help
  6. menageriemama

    Interesting ideas for Kids lunches

    There is an old bento thread on here somewhere...
  7. menageriemama

    Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

    My 4 year old son decided that he likes crepes after all. This will make letting the kids pick Saturday breakfasts MUCH easier
  8. menageriemama

    Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

    At work, I had an elderly gentleman quote John Lennon, saying "Love is the flower you've got to let grow." Glow-y insides for me
  9. menageriemama

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    Scraping together whatever I can find in the recesses of the fridge. Whole family is out of town, so I don't HAVE to cook
  10. menageriemama

    Photos-Introducing new babies- I crazy!!!LOL

    That first pic of the little pig and bunny is ADORABLE!!!
  11. menageriemama

    Holding your breath for 18 days......(BABY PICS PG 5!)

    GOR-geous baby- WOOOOOT!!!!
  12. menageriemama

    What does YOUR basic tuna casserole consist of?

    Must have canned peas in it. Don't know why. Heck, I don't even LIKE canned peas.
  13. menageriemama

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    As I am on my first day of 6 11 hour shifts, I planned ahead and roasted a (home grown!) chicken last night. Tonight will be Chicken something. And the next night...and the next night...
  14. menageriemama

    I am such a sucker for cute faces!

    Cutest kitten I have seen in a LONG time!! Congrats
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