Recent content by menchelke

  1. M

    Silkie and Ayam Cemani Guess a-long!

    Oh I know. That is why this is a guess-A-Long. Put in your best guess!
  2. M

    Silkie and Ayam Cemani Guess a-long!

    (Guess the sex! This is for fun, will update in a few weeks when they have GROWN!) My single Ayam Cemani hatchling needed some companions so I called my friend and she offered me these 2 silkies. She said they are about a week apart, and the younger of the two is about a week older than the...
  3. M

    My chickens havent laid an egg in 5 months!

    I dunno what you feed, etc, but I live in Arizona in USA, and I feed mine cracked corn and black fly larva or meal worm larva with their winter feed, like a 32 oz yogurt cup of it every day, and same 32 oz cup of commercial feed. This was for 4 laying hens and a rooster, and mine where only down...
  4. M

    I Can’t Get No Satisfaction July Adopt-an-Egg Hatch-a-Long 🇬🇧

    Only 1 of mine out of the 14 eggs I received dozen + 2, hatched. about half never showed development and rest where quitters at different stages. Anyway had to emergency contact my friend, and she was kind enough to give 2 lil black silkies to keep my loan ayam happy. Are the eggs you are...
  5. M

    Ayam Cemani Hatch-A-Long - Due July 12/13th Range!

    I will need to get a more clear picture. But I don't want to open the incubator yet.
  6. M

    Ayam Cemani Hatch-A-Long - Due July 12/13th Range!

    Got my first PIPPER!
  7. M

    Baby chick hatched last night but still lethargic this morning

    Yeah her foot looks curled, you can make a chick shoe, just cut a triangle out of some plastic blister package, or something like a plastic lid from a yogurt cup, close to size of chicks foot, then some medical tape the foot flat to the little triangle piece you cut out. Leg doesn't really look...
  8. M

    How did you prepare yourself (mentally) for first time butchering?

    My first and only butcher was a hen that was breaking the eggs and eating them. I caught her with a beak covered in yolk. So she had to be culled, and my mindset of learning survival skills. I like to be capable of as much self sufficiency as I can muster. I have always been a jack of all...
  9. M

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Looks Buff to me. But isn't red and buff basically the same color, just one is diluted?
  10. M

    Ayam Cemani Hatch-A-Long - Due July 12/13th Range!

    Just went into lockdown. I am not that optimistic anymore, but we shall see what comes up, will update in 5 days. Looking like probably only 2 on the way. But I am still new to this, and the eggs I received were a bit speckled when candled made it hard to see.
  11. M

    I Can’t Get No Satisfaction July Adopt-an-Egg Hatch-a-Long 🇬🇧

    Haven't read through this whole post yet, buy looks like I only had 2 out of my dozen +2 I ordered off ebay have a chick. I am on day 18 right now. I know that isn't much help, and I dunno if those will even hatch as of now.
  12. M

    Infrared lamp temp 85F ?

    Yeah, but a 150w version It's 16" inches over the shavings.
  13. M

    Infrared lamp temp 85F ?

    Basically should I consider the heating affect on the chicks via infrared, or just consider the air temp the probe is sending? So previously when I brooded chicks, I didn't pay no heed to temps, etc, I just set up the lamp, and left it as is. I used to use the red heat bulbs, but I now have...
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