Recent content by mirandaleecon

  1. mirandaleecon

    Aggressive male Muscovy

    It will take some time but he will learn how to be more gentle with them. They will be alright in the meantime, as long as he isn't physically injuring them, they can handle it :)
  2. mirandaleecon

    Aggressive male Muscovy

    I would get a couple more of those back scratchers. Always have one with you and give one to anyone else that he might target. Eventually he will turn his focus to the ladies when he realizes they are an easier target...
  3. mirandaleecon

    Aggressive male Muscovy

    Do you have any females for him? The only thing that worked with mine was putting some kind of barrier between me and him and not acknowledging him when he was in his excited state. A broom worked best, I didn't have to touch him with it at all, just put it in between us. Not sure why it was so...
  4. mirandaleecon

    Ducks with special Needs

    You can get a 3D printer for less than $1k now. I'm just not sure if those will print what I need. Gotta do some more research...if you google "duck prosthetic" you'll find a bunch of news articles of other people printing them :)
  5. mirandaleecon

    Ducks with special Needs

    Hi Cyndi! DJ is doing well! She is quite stable in her condition, which is good! Beverly on the other hand isn't that great. She for sure will need to have her foot amputated. Right now she gets around using her elbow. I'm planning on finding someone willing to 3D print her a prosthetic or if I...
  6. mirandaleecon

    Ducks with special Needs

    I must have missed the first time you tagged me! Here is DJ's story, she has had a rough life so far! She is a Muscovy/Peking mule with a crest and is currently about 2 years old. She seemed fairly normal when she hatched but developed a bad case of wry neck (head was facing completely...
  7. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    Just an update on Beverly; I attempted to correct the tendon but it was so swollen it would not budge. I took her to the vet on Friday. She took an x-ray but that didn't show anything. She also prescribed an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic (because the joint was warm and swollen). She felt as...
  8. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    Yes, I would be!
  9. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    That's right and try I will! The way she gets around now, I believe she would have a good quality of life but I'm worried that she won't be able to support her weight once she gets bigger. I've seen ducks with prosthetics so if all else fails, I will track down someone with a 3D printer and...
  10. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    Ok, thank you! I was able to check her out yesterday and it does look like the tendon is on the outside of the hock joint. I briefly attempted to get it back in place but was not successful. It was late though (worked all day, then class until 8:30) and I knew I didn't have time to wrap her up...
  11. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    Thank you for the information! I have plenty of vetwrap on hand, I love the stuff! So, is the point to splint/bandage their leg so it is straight? I guess that's what I'm kind of stuck on. Will she be able to get around on her own with her leg splinted or will I have to check on her constantly...
  12. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    I have a duckling, named Beverly, who is about three weeks old now who has had a rough go at life so far. Her mother was sitting on a nest outside of their pen, so for her safety I confiscated the eggs so she would go back to the pen. Only two showed signs of life so I put them in the incubator...
  13. mirandaleecon

    Fertile chicken eggs - uneven development

    Are you sure she has had that egg the whole time? Once one of mine goes broody, all the other hens try to lay their eggs under her. I very often get eggs that are different stages from my broody hens. It's also possible she didn't have that egg fully under her at first. Sometimes I find eggs...
  14. mirandaleecon

    HELP! I think poultry drench got into Lungs. What do I do??

    Are you treating her any other way for the respiratory infection? The biggest problem with aspirating fluids is respiratory infection (next to choking to death). If you aren't already, I would start giving her some antibiotics. I have used Tylan in the past and that has worked for me. Please...
  15. mirandaleecon

    My eggs are ready to hatch but one of them isn't moving Help!!

    Can you see inside the hole and it's not moving at all, or is the egg itself not moving? They will take long breaks during hatching to get some rest. It's normal for the eggs to have periods of not rolling around. Did you open the incubator? Usually, if they pip, they are doing well and will...
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