Recent content by Miss Belle

  1. M

    Rooster Walking Like A Penguin

    I'll see if I can get a video uploaded. He's walking on his feet, not his hocks. He's definitely struggling to take steps, though. I've not tried vitamin B complex, but I'll pick some up tomorrow. I think I've decided to put him on pain meds for at least a few days, so I can give him (and the...
  2. M

    Rooster Walking Like A Penguin

    Day 7 Update: Greg has had no change whatsoever. I spoke to a retired vet tech today, and she suspects he has cancer, a tumor, or something else internal that will lead to a slow, painful death. She cannot do an x-ray and thus cannot confirm anything, but she was confident that he will not...
  3. M

    Rooster Walking Like A Penguin

    He's very young still, so he hasn't grown spurs yet. He only just hatched on 9/11/23. Thank you for the advice to give him probiotics. I gave the whole flock some plain Greek yogurt, and they devoured it!
  4. M

    Rooster Walking Like A Penguin

    My young rooster Greg has started standing upright like a penguin and waddling around. He drags his tail on the ground and has a difficult time moving his feet, so he typically is laying on his stomach. This began two nights ago. He's very unbalanced and is easily pushed over by the hens. I've...
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