Recent content by MissAdelaide

  1. MissAdelaide

    Wormout dosage??

    Hello everyone, Anyone know how to use Wormout gel? I don't know if I use the dosage on the packet for my big girls. They weigh around 4-5kg. I'm about to go away and want to get them wormed ASAP. Thanks, and happy holidays!
  2. MissAdelaide

    Flaky white stuff/skin on comb, poopy bums and weight loss.

    I've attached the photo of Geoff's comb. Today was the first warm day I've had this week, so I cleaned Marshmallow. She was okay and now I have a system in place for when I do my other girl tomorrow. The Wormout is going to be here on Tuesday, yay! Also, I just noticed that your girl is named...
  3. MissAdelaide

    Flaky white stuff/skin on comb, poopy bums and weight loss.

    Thanks so much! I will try cleaning them without the cookie sheet first, and if I need to I will use it. I'll use your tips to make it an easier and cleaner process, too. I really appreciate the help! :)
  4. MissAdelaide

    Flaky white stuff/skin on comb, poopy bums and weight loss.

    Thanks so much, Laura. I will give wormout a go. Any ideas about dosage? Have you used it and found it to be safe? Also, I will bathe the poo off of them tomorrow, and hopefully, I can convince my parents to let me use the laundry. I really appreciate the help! I'll update you soon :) Also will...
  5. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    Sadly she passed away a few days later- The vet gave her treatment, but it didn't help. We still don't know what caused it.
  6. MissAdelaide

    Flaky white stuff/skin on comb, poopy bums and weight loss.

    Two of my chickens have had this white, flaky skin kind of coming off of their combs. The one who has it the worst is my Orpington, Geoff, and she's around 4-5 years old, and 4kg. The white, flaky stuff reminds me of dandruff. She's been decreasing in weight. Around a month ago I weighed her and...
  7. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    I think that it is sour crop. She has a liquid filled crop and the head jerking with vomiting. I found a vet who will treat chickens- we are going today.
  8. MissAdelaide

    Vomiting chicken?? please help!

    Thankyou! I think it is definitely sour crop, or something similar. I am taking my hen to the vet tomorrow.
  9. MissAdelaide

    Vomiting chicken?? please help!

    I have the same problem. But, my hen is still pooping? What could this be?
  10. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    Thank you, I would have no idea about how to help her without this forum. It helped me help my eggbound hen pass her egg, and helped me learn about chickens in the first place. Jet's poop is normal again apart from a bit of mucus-like stuff in it. She's eating more; lettuce and grain as well as...
  11. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    I gave her some coconut oil, and I have been hearing a gurgling type noise from her. It's like if a human has an upset stomach, or is hungry. SH eis now eating lettuces as well as her normal foods.
  12. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    Okay, thanks. Which is better?
  13. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    I don't have those particular brands at my supermarket, but here are a few things that I found online- what do you think will work?
  14. MissAdelaide

    Very sick chicken, need help!

    I have done a look around her belly area and there is no fluid there like a ‘water balloon’; a description of this in some research I have done. What else could it be? She is eating. But, the poop white is sticky, kind of like mucus. There are some seeds in her poo that aren’t really broken...
  15. MissAdelaide

    Review by '' on item 'Sussex'

    My Sussex chickens are the same 4 I have had for 3 years. They love going out for runs and are very comical sometimes. They will allow you to pet them and get to know you after some time. Mine sometimes fall asleep in my arms. We get eggs everyday for around 3 years so far, excluding moulting...
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