
My name is Terry Lambert and I'm 55 years old and live in Glen, Mississippi on the family farm. My wife and kids are pretty much my life. I met my wife Emily (EmtheFishLady) here on BYC. We were BYC friends, then met several times, started talking on the phone a lot then became friends in real life. Now we are married and living our "happily ever after". I have several grown children and we have 3 at home. I love to read, write, and fish and make handcrafted woodwork when I have time. I don't ever remember a time I HAVEN'T had chickens, but I got to have my own flock as a child of around six or seven, so at least 48 years I've had chickens. Our family always had a flock of at least 50 hens when I was growing up to provide our family with meat, eggs, and fertilizer.
Sep 22, 1965 (Age: 58)
Glen, Mississippi. 40+ chicken years
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Fun and Friendship


I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. - Mark Twain
Whippoorwill Creek Farm, Glen, MS
Hatching eggs, chicks and started birds available in season. CSA garden forming now.

My Barn and Coop Page
About Me


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