Recent content by mistfall

  1. mistfall


    Just making sure My eyes don’t deceive me.
  2. mistfall

    What gender please?

    Thank you everyone! Yay! I wanted a girl with nice lacing and a long tail, so I’m delighted to get that confirmation!
  3. mistfall

    Hen or roo?

    The saddle feathers look hen-like to me. Very rounded tips. What a beauty! Love that pattern.
  4. mistfall

    What gender please?

    Hello all, Please indulge my ignorance and tell me what gender this Silver laced youngster is. It’s about 6 months old. Its mother was a SL Wyandotte. It’s father is half Yokohama, and probably 1/8 Ayam Cemani and 1/8 Sumatra, and 1/4 Phoenix. Thank you!
  5. mistfall

    A non-laying hen? Or misidentified roo?

    Thanks everybody! I think the slightly longer sickle type tail feathers (which my other hens don’t have) had me second-guessing things
  6. mistfall

    A non-laying hen? Or misidentified roo?

    I’m looking for a clutch in the spring, when my other Sumatras are laying :) yes, I’ve had her from a chick.
  7. mistfall

    A non-laying hen? Or misidentified roo?

    This is a 2 year old Sumatra. I've been assuming it's a hen, but I've never seen any laying behavior. Then again, some of the feathering is not entirely hen-like, so maybe it's a rooster that doesn't crow and has no interest in breeding hens? What do y'all think?
  8. mistfall

    The case of the Purloined Eggs

    Something is stealing eggs out of nest boxes that are up to 8 inches deep and could only be reached by climbing straight up a wall for 4 feet or jumping that far from the ground. Whatever’s doing it is leaving nothing behind - no broken shells, no bits of yolk or whites, so the thief must be...
  9. mistfall

    Lavender color question

    I don’t have any Lavenders; I like the color but I’m trying to decide if I like iridescence more. Pretty pretty hen though. Maybe I’ll look into Chocolate. I think they can be shiny.
  10. mistfall

    Lavender color question

    Can lavender feathers have an iridescent sheen, or is it a flat color, like blue is?
  11. mistfall

    Any guesses on breed?

    Thanks everybody. Her comb and leg color aren’t right to be a hatchery Easter Egger. I don’t think she’s Wheaton based color because of the black in her hackles. She does look like a mix with some game fowl in there. I hope she isn’t too old to be laying. People sometimes dump unwanted...
  12. mistfall

    Any guesses on breed?

    This hen volunteered to join my flock. Anyone have any guesses what breed she might be? Game fowl are popular in the area, as well as layers and multipurpose breeds from commercial hatcheries. What color would you call this?
  13. mistfall

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    Thanks for all the input! Love your handle- there is something special about roosters!
  14. mistfall

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    Well, both the Sumatra and the Aseel parents have minimal combs, so the feathers may be the best thing to go by.
  15. mistfall

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    "Monet" here has a black Sumatra mother and a e+ Aseel father. It's 18 weeks old. I love this little bird, and *thought* it was a pullet but am now not quite sure. The tail length is increasing, and feathers over the saddle area looking a bit pointy. What's your diagnosis, experienced people?
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