Recent content by MistyMountain

  1. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Sorry to hear Spike isn't doing well. Poor guy. We're playing musical chairs, pasture style, here too. My 30 year old horse who has been chronically lame for 22 years is quite sore and really showing his age. He's been moved to a well padded stall/softground paddock to see if he can get some...
  2. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    New mixed flock?!?! I support this :D That's my chicken plan from here on out. Mix it up and enjoy it. I have a few hatchery chickens pushing 6 years at this point, and a colorful flock and colorful eggs are so satisfying. Honestly, my favorites by far are the Easter eggers. They're thrifty...
  3. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Ugh, down trees. Always a mess here. We have had high winds the past 24 hours or so. I dread going to see our back pasture. There are dead ash trees (thanks emerald ash borer) all along the back fence line, belonging to our neighbor. One big one already fell and busted our fence, wooden post and...
  4. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Just wanted to jump on here quick to tell y'all that maybe Vortex was a good name... or Cyclone... or twister? We had a tornado (F-0) touch down a few days ago! No damage other than to some trees (not on our property). Weirdest thing ever, and rare in the mountains. My husband was grilling and...
  5. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Thanks for the nice words on the calf! He certainly is thriving and already finding his place in the herd. We'll start halter training before long. We're still undecided on his name. My husband gives me a hard time to naming them, but I tell him we've got to have a way to tell them apart when we...
  6. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    As requested, baby bull calf born yesterday around 4PM. I continue to be amazed by these little cows. They are thrifty with feed, easily grass fed and finished, and they rarely need assistance birthing. Calf was standing a nursing in under 30 minutes. I knew Gabby was close yesterday morning...
  7. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Hi Kaley! I'm Michelle, and I'm pretty quiet these days, too. I'm kind-of nestled in the mountains of VA, between the Blue Ridge mountains and the Appalachian mountains. Super busy with my kiddos and our little funny farm. Current fun farm stuff: we have 3 hens sitting on eggs and I have been on...
  8. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Cyn, wish we could send our guy your way. He is good at his job, and a very good person to boot. He has a camera and now specializes on clearing roots from septic lines, saving people tons from having to run a whole new field. He can basically blast and clean. With all the trees around you, is...
  9. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Mountains are definitely tricky when it comes to fencing. Without exactly the right equipment, you can end up with a poor fencing job and dangerous too. I feel your pain!! We barely have a place on our property that is flat. And if it is flat, there are probably rocks. But oh, do we love the...
  10. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Hello outside world! Cyn, wow, those biscuits look amazing. I've got to tackle making biscuits one of these days. We don't eat them often and the frozen kind have been so nice when we just want a few in the morning. I'm currently conflicted about getting a big stand mixer. I could never justify...
  11. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Hey Cyn, Yup, Garden in the works. I've got broccoli going now. We'll do tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, and melons, along with the rhubarb I planted 4 years ago. I perused fruit tree tags at the coop the other day. We have one old sickly peach and 7 apple trees, 2 of which need to...
  12. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Thank you. I've had this one up for close to two years now. This was when she was a heifer and expecting her first calf in a few months. She's since had him (Sept of 2018) and after having slipped a calf last summer is now due the end of July. She's amazing. I'll be milking her this time around...
  13. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I've cancelled our appointments, and we're all staying in. Baby girl goes for her 4 month appt the end of next month, which I will probably cancel as well. We'll catch up on vaccinations later. Being home bound, I feel our risk is low for anything those vaccines cover anyhow. I'm thankful that...
  14. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Thanks! She's pretty amazing. She really completes our little family. I'm glad to see the big guy Atlas is still doing well. Chickens have taken a back seat here, and all I have are 4, 5, and 6 year olds. My younger son has taken interest in them. He is always willing to help with chores and...
  15. MistyMountain

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    :frowHey all, Been a while since I've commented. I do still follow along here and there. We're quite busy here on the farm, growing our little dexter herd and growing tiny humans. We welcomed a baby girl the end of December. She's quite spoiled by her big brothers and Daddy. Anyhow, sorry to be...
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