Recent content by mkcolls

  1. mkcolls

    A part of management we never thought we'd have to face.

    Thank you all for your kind responses and your prayers. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but we trust the One who holds our tomorrow, and all that we need. The place is quiet, too quiet. Waiting on some cooler days to clear out the coop and barn, other than feeders and waterers. We hope...
  2. mkcolls

    A part of management we never thought we'd have to face.

    My DH had a stroke 3 weeks ago. While he is improving, slowly gaining the use of his right side, he cannot manage the care of the flock that is needed due to my physical limitations. Over the past weeks we have discussed how we could keep our birds and manage over the winter when I am unable...
  3. mkcolls

    Entire Guinea flock missing

    Thank you both for your posts. My first thought was, "It's spring and the little buggers tend to get a little bit crazier than usual." When the one returned that was a surprise, and she put up a racket trying to call the others home. Our friends didn't say why they didn't keep the one penned...
  4. mkcolls

    Entire Guinea flock missing

    Our friends eleven 1-2 year old guineas are gone. They free range during the day, return to their nighttime converted dog-run coop every night. They have feed and water in their coop and come up to their house for guinea crack (millet) every evening. Last Friday none returned to the coop...
  5. mkcolls

    egg help

    The majority of our Jersey Giants took a long time to start laying. They looked like they might, they were in and out of the nesting boxes, their vents were moist, they even sang their egg songs, but didn't lay for weeks after their coop mates. I would give her a few more weeks.
  6. mkcolls

    Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

    Sign me up, Ms Bee, I've subscribe. We have incubated eggs and had broodies hatch eggs for us. We prefer the natural way in all ways but one. We have never been able to bond with the broody hatched chicks like we did with the incubated chicks. Still, God's way is still the best way. I am...
  7. mkcolls

    Anyone loosing guineas to the cold?

    Sorry for your losses. Are your birds housed or free range? Have you found bodies or are they just disappearing? No problem with any of our fowl. We have had temps below zero about 10 days this winter, with more coming this week. Our birds, chickens, turkeys and guineas are all housed in a...
  8. mkcolls

    Aggressive 18month old male turkey - but only to one person.

    Keeping MIL from visiting, or changing her camper arrangement is not an option. As long as we are blessed to have her we will do everything to make that available. It is just so odd that Tickles' response is so strong and so isolated. MIL does not want us to process the turkey, but that is the...
  9. mkcolls

    Aggressive 18month old male turkey - but only to one person.

    Tickles, was hatched on our farm, and has been around loud, running screaming children, many, many family and friends and he does his job watching out for all of our flock, and making sure he is between a child and a rooster. He has prevented both DH and me from being challenged by one of our...
  10. mkcolls

    Please help is this a guinea???

    I agree with gourdlady. Hatch time for keets is 28 days and size is much smaller. Markings, while a few are similar, most are off. Eyeliner marking reminds me of Easter Egger. A beautiful chick.
  11. mkcolls

    My Americauna's vent is swollen, red, and a little stinky... WHAT IS GOING ON???!?!?!

    Could you post a picture? Give some details about what is going on with her vent? Color changes, discharge, swollen?
  12. mkcolls

    Just lost most of my flock...

    I feel your pain. We lost 2 turkey poults to raccoon(s) that got into the barn through a small hole in the barn siding that was 10 feet from the ground. We felt awful, it was horrible to find and to imagine what those beautiful babies went through. DH repaired the hole, and reinforced several...
  13. mkcolls

    Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

    We originally got chickens for eggs, meat, and bug control. It was a pleasant surprise to find that their entertainment antics were a huge bonus. That is one of our "other" reason for keeping chickens. When we are out with them they are "helping" in the flower beds and vegetable garden. They...
  14. mkcolls

    Newbie from Ohio

    from a fellow Buckeye! We got our first chicks the year I turned 60, way past mid life, no excuses. LOL Enjoy!
  15. mkcolls

    The RE-Build of Les Farms

    aoxa, we were so sorry to hear about your barn fire and the loss of your precious, beautiful animals. I have spent a couple of hours reading your posts and the updates since the 11th. Thank you for sharing your difficult news with us, so that we are warned and may learn. Thank you for sharing so...
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