Recent content by mlheran

  1. mlheran

    A question regarding killing your birds...

    Quote: That's what I do, except I lay it on a board that has a little noose to hold the head still (and the board is on a trashcan). One of us holds the bird with the neck gently but securely stretched and the other fires the snot with our .22 -then we quickly hang it by the leg ties on a hook...
  2. mlheran

    nigerian drarf goats and leaves

    NO CHERRY! (what goldensunriseranch said) They'll love the apple -at least, mine do!
  3. mlheran

    Fowl in the foul swimming pool?

    If you let the ducks have it it's unlikely that you'll ever get it restored to true "pool" status, but if it's been five years I'd let the ducks in to take care of the mosquitoes. That's actually a really big issue where I am in CA, the Mosquito Vector Control do regular fly-overs to locate...
  4. mlheran

    a duckling sob story

    Awww, cute. I wish my duckies liked my dog -she loves them but they want nothing to do with her!
  5. mlheran

    Did you hear about some mayor's dogs being shot in his house????

    I reallllly shouldn't even step into this mess, but... it seems like there are always MANY things about ANY event that aren't released to the media and the general public. Though it's fine to discuss what we know about a particular event, we should be really, reallllly careful that we don't let...
  6. mlheran

    I just rented the CUTEST chicken movie!!

    Just watched it on YouTube, thanks for the recommendation! A lot of the cinematography in it was really great, and I particularly loved how they jabbed at both sides of the fence -those that don't know anything about the chickens they consume, and those who are more than a bit eccentric about...
  7. mlheran

    Is this normal???(PICS)

    My ducks (male and female) do that sometimes, it seems the interested female makes "welcoming" noises and everybody sort of descends -either trying to woo her or get the other guys out of the way. It's just ducky behavior -I've seen it in the large groups at public ponds, too. And hey, is the...
  8. mlheran

    Wanted: PEAHEN (for my lonely Peacock) *UPDATE: PEAHEN FOUND!*

    Thanks for all the tips and advice everyone, I did manage to find a nice peahen through CL (though not any of those listings above) and she's been settling in nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing these two around the place!
  9. mlheran

    Wanted: PEAHEN (for my lonely Peacock) *UPDATE: PEAHEN FOUND!*

    That's a gorgeous pair -and adorable chicks- Florida chick! I can't wait to see my own Mr.P looking like that. I've got a line on a peahen that is just over two years, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  10. mlheran

    lump jaw anyone? pictures added!

    "Lumpy Jaw" is a bone condition (and serious), "Bottle Jaw" is a soft-tissue swelling and is also reason for concern. I'd have a vet or other cattle-knowledgeable person look at it, just to be safe! Good luck!
  11. mlheran

    Wanted: PEAHEN (for my lonely Peacock) *UPDATE: PEAHEN FOUND!*

    Quote: Wow, two years at least? He only has the green/eyespot feathers starting to come in on the sides, so I thought he was just over a year (I should've got a better pic). He's starting to get the green between the wings, too, so I thought he was younger. Hrm. Thanks for the info!
  12. mlheran

    Wanted: PEAHEN (for my lonely Peacock) *UPDATE: PEAHEN FOUND!*

    In search of young(ish) peahen for long term relationship with handsome young peacock.... ME: A young peacock (about a year old) just now growing into my looks and full color. Recently rescued from a shelter where I lived in a cement dog kennel. I'm living in the country now, with several...
  13. mlheran

    our peacock how much he has grown over the past year or so (few pics)

    So pretty!! Is he pied? I loved the growth pics, very nice.
  14. mlheran

    Idea for drain for ducks' pool -- whatcha think?

    Quote: I think there is a way to get water from a lower place to a higher place, as long as the hose has no air in it (I forget the name of this scientific principle, but it's the one where you take a short length of hose, seal one end with your thumb, fill the other end to overflowing then...
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