Recent content by mml373

  1. M

    Developing a Yearly Plan

    Egg layer crumbles for protein. Cost isn't much more than corn, out here.
  2. M

    Developing a Yearly Plan

    I have about 50-60 birds that are dual purpose. My plan was to have them mostly for meat, but I am finding overwintering is expensive and nasty here in southern Missouri (mud and muck). Unfortunately I bought them later in the year than I should have, which means I"m now feeding substantial...
  3. M

    PVC Tractor - covering

    I am building a rectangular PVC chicken tractor to rotate in my sheep pasture, and want to cover it with ANYTHING but chicken wire. I have in mind some sort of pliable plastic mesh that will contain the chickens, which could be zip tied to the PVC pipes. It is going inside a portable electric...
  4. M

    Stun Before Slaughter

    I am culling roosters and was taught to cut the jugular and let the chicken bleed for 10-15 seconds before cutting/pulling the head entirely off. After a few birds culled, I am not sure this technique is humane and would like to know if there are ways to easily and quickly stun the chicken...
  5. M

    Alternative to Chicken Wire for Chicken Tractor

    Thanks for the replies. I'll check out the hardware cloth for the next version I build. Probably going to put 2-3 of these out on my lawn to reduce the need for mowing, hahaha. Will move them through the lawn daily over the course of 7-10 days, per rotation cycle.
  6. M

    Alternative to Chicken Wire for Chicken Tractor

    I am finishing a PVC chicken tractor and am quite pleased except for the fact that chicken wire leaves lots of sharp points. (I am using zip ties and there are still areas where cut wire ends can poke people and chickens). I love PVC construction because it is light and easily transported, but...
  7. M

    Bulbs for Workshop

    Thank you for your reply. I found a 60W equivalent LED bulb (moisture OK) provides enough light for now.
  8. M

    Bulbs for Workshop

    So I had 2 long/big standard-base light bulbs in my shop that burned out. They are standard incandescent. I would like to replace these with standard base LED bulbs that run cooler but provide more light. I have no idea what wattage these big bulbs were - text is worn off the bulbs. Does...
  9. M

    Duck Disappearance

    Much appreciated. Obviously, I had no idea domestic ducks are so vulnerable. I figured they know what they need better than I do, and would take suitable action to protect themselves. I have had maybe 3 losses since these were released as adolescents last spring.
  10. M

    Duck Disappearance

    Hi. I had 11 ducks and all survived the winter. Over the past couple of weeks, the number has dwindled down to 5. I have seen some going onto a neighbor's property on his side of the fence by the pond he and I both share (ducks swim in it all the time). The ducks have been laying eggs for...
  11. M

    Wormer - Pyrantel Pamoate

    Much appreciated. I'll pursue this route, and thanks again.
  12. M

    Farmer's Union / National Farmer's Union

    Thank you. I see this is the case, re: unions.
  13. M

    Wormer - Pyrantel Pamoate

    I have a followup question. Is there any approved wormer specifically for PINWORMS in poultry? Mine are neither laying hens nor meat birds, and won't be either for quite some time. We have a pinworm problem and my hope is that there is something I can add to their water to knock these out...
  14. M


    I agree, but doesn't this come down to something simple? If you're out in the country, there are no restrictions on what you can do with your property to earn a living. I'd check to be sure this is true, where you live, but ag and chickens shouldn't be an issue. This id10t can petition all...
  15. M

    United Nations' "RIght to Food"

    Link doesn't work, but who's facts? Roy Spencer, University of Alabama Huntsville, has much to say about the climate change lie and how it is used to manipulate people and transfer wealth. I am personally very skeptical when it comes to any politician finding a way to cheat me out of my hard...
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