Recent content by mmmarta

  1. mmmarta

    Blue Cochin, 2 months old - cockerel?

    Thank you both. Well, it's official then. Out of my order of 20 chicks, I am left with two hens - after some deaths and 2 raccoon attacks. :( Anybody in need of 8 cockerels though?
  2. mmmarta

    Blue Cochin, 2 months old - cockerel?

    Hello, I have another dillema - it looks like a cockerel to me but the comb is a bit lighter compared to the other cockerels.
  3. mmmarta

    Bantam Easter Egger 2 months old

    I think it's a cockerel but I still am hoping it may be a hen and I can keep her. Can you help? Thank you!
  4. mmmarta

    Will my rooster grow back his tail feathers?

    Thank you all! I will feed him some egg yolk on top of the chick feed he gets, and see what happens. And the other rooster is leaving this Sunday for a good home.
  5. mmmarta

    Roosters, the unsung hero thread; Pictures.

    Was about to start an 'I love roosters' thread and found yours :) #1 Batman. I loved him! He'd come to the deck door and looked at me through the glass with one eye... I needed to re-home him, because he crowed a lot, which the neighbor did not appreciate (only one, others were fine or loved...
  6. mmmarta

    Will my rooster grow back his tail feathers?

    Edit: they do not fight, Frizzle just runs away, sometimes not fast enough.
  7. mmmarta

    Will my rooster grow back his tail feathers?

    My little frizzle Silkie rooster had all but one of his tail feather torn out by the bigger Silkie rooster... Some of the others are missing, some seem broken off at the stem. Will Frizzle grow them back? How soon? I'm rehoming the other rooster, so the abuse will stop soon. Attaching a pic...
  8. mmmarta

    Cockerel or not?

    He's so cute!!! Such a pretty color... Strawberry blonde :) I wish you could have kept him..
  9. mmmarta

    Cockerel or not?

    And this is a chick from that little rooster and the mille fleur d'Uccle.
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