Recent content by MommaShades13

  1. MommaShades13

    Review by '' on item 'Rouen'

    Great first time ducks. my female layed even through the winter, she only took about 3 weeks off. great foragers, my female is my loud one letting me know I went past feeding time, my male is a chatter and good protector. He has a prolapse penis from mating my chickens. All. The. Time. It...
  2. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    My female isn't laying on her eggs have a broody chicken laying on them now with fingers crossed. Will candle them next week
  3. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    My pair is 5 months,
  4. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    I think my female Rouen laid an egg, y boys found this in our yard. All other bars rock hens lay smaller brown eggs
  5. MommaShades13

    West Tennessee Thread

    I love having my birds we live in South Madison county, 1 mile from the city limits of Jackson. We got to watch one of my hens lay an egg (me my 5 yr old and 7 yr old) we go out and tend to them every day . I really enjoy my birds but I won't ever brood them in my house again lol -Heather
  6. MommaShades13

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    We are now getting about3 eggs a day from our flock and this past Saturday my kids and I walked to the co-op to clean it and at the perfect time we got to watch one of the girls lay an egg. Its important for my kids (my two youngest 5and 7) to know where the eggs come from and why we have to...
  7. MommaShades13

    West Tennessee Thread

    Welcome back to chickens, I hope you find the breed you are looking for. Benny and the jets is a great name. I love hearing what ever one names their chickens if they name them. I have names two but I don't remember which is which because all my BR girls look a like. They started laying a week a...
  8. MommaShades13

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    So super excited. One of our Bard rock girls laid her first egg. I don't know which one but they all got berries as treats after we found it. She had laid it in the feed bucket because the top had gotten knocked off. Silly girls.
  9. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    He is 13 weeks. 3 months 1 week.
  10. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    My boy got his drake curl I am so excited. So proud of him. It's official, one boy one girl.
  11. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    I am pretty sure I have one male one female. Male: Green bill, soft raspy voice 2 days ago the black on his head got darker and today I notice his green head feathers are starting to come in plus his body size is bigger. Female: Loud quack/honk yellow bill smaller in size head color hasn't...
  12. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    Thank you Julie. My daughter loves our ducks. She has no fear of our feathered friends, if we need to see a chicken or duck up close we release the 4 year old and she brings one back to us. We have had her and our 7 yr old involved in their raising since the day we brought them home...
  13. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    My babies are 9 weeks old. This duck has a green bill and hardly quacks and when it does it is not nearly as loud as the other Rouen we have. Because of the quack could I have one female and one male? I am hoping for that or two females. We will love them regardless I only worry about two...
  14. MommaShades13

    Rouen Duck thread

    My babies are now 6 weeks old. Their blue Speculum feathers are showing more and more. question is.. One of their "butts" seems larger than the other. Like more full and longer. Does that show a difference in sex?
  15. MommaShades13

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    Success!!! Put my 9 girls outside and my 2 ducks. Set up their lamps for them plus shavings for bedding. Everyone survived and thrived. Preening now after breakfast and foraging around in the grass. 60 degrees right now on this morning. My ducks and 1 chick are 5 weeks, the other 7 are 4...
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