Recent content by momoftwinsinwi

  1. momoftwinsinwi

    Happy Easter everyone!!!!

    From "fat boy" and I to all of you, have a very Happy Easter!!!
  2. momoftwinsinwi

    My rooster attacked me

    My cochin roo is super sweet.....and beautiful.....
  3. momoftwinsinwi

    Looking for chicken saddle aprons

    Anyone here make these? I need about a dozen......
  4. momoftwinsinwi

    New layer walking with wings slightly out

    Had my first egg july 4th and my birds were doing the same thing and only started doing it right before they started laying so I think although warm, it does have something to do with getting ready to lay.....
  5. momoftwinsinwi

    Begginer questions

    How old are your birds? Where are you located?
  6. momoftwinsinwi

    Crumble vs pellet

    I started my chickens out with crumble and was going thru about 200 pounds (4 bags) in less then 4 weeks, with not a lot of waste on the ground as my feeder is hung (5 gallon bucket with drilled holes and a 6" tray screwed to it, and when I sent my sons for more feed, not knowing they bought...
  7. momoftwinsinwi

    First egg, no shell??

    I've also had a few weird shaped eggs, soft shell, etc....I have a small feeder with oyster shells hung in the run full at all times
  8. momoftwinsinwi

    What's the one thing you wish you had included in your coop?

    Will continue to carry water out which is a PITA but hubby is going thru chemo and says running a water line that won't freeze is also a PITA....but will have electricity before the snow flies so I can at least keep heat in coop and keep the waterers from freezing ....
  9. momoftwinsinwi

    What's the one thing you wish you had included in your coop?

    Hubby built my new coop this year and size is EVERYTHING!!! My old coop with 4x8 and I had about 12 birds, this one is 12x10 and is beautiful!!! I now have 32 birds... Room for storage (tote I keep oyster shells and stall fresh in) and a brooder box for future broodies.... the run is about...
  10. momoftwinsinwi

    When do chickens lay?

    I got my first egg at 16 weeks, and they are now 20 weeks, they are not all laying yet, I get about 16 eggs a day avg, and I have 29 hens.....patience grasshopper :) We look forward to your "Got my first egg!!!!" post.....
  11. momoftwinsinwi

    collecting chicken poop

    You are probably right, will probably only make them "super weeds" LOL
  12. momoftwinsinwi

    collecting chicken poop

    Thanks much for advice, I think I will start a compost "site" we've got plenty of room and I love my indoor and outdoor plants and flowers......
  13. momoftwinsinwi

    collecting chicken poop

    I have a poop tray under my roosts and clean it out weekly with a cat scoop and put it in an old feed bag.....don't have any use for it, other than maybe I can spread it on the weeds around my run? Will it kill them? I'm hoping so.....will the poop stay "hot" because it's straight poop with no...
  14. momoftwinsinwi

    How much water

    Bought this one and they prefer this one over the nipple waterer, but the nipple waterer can plug in for winter, this is nice, holds 4 gallons....
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