Recent content by Momsbusiness

  1. M

    Chick won't mingle

    Update: Itsy bitsy was actually blind. I took in a an indoor hen. She is still indoors today and doing well actually. She will be 3 years old this year.
  2. M

    Candling eggs in duck nest

    I have a young Blue Swedish Duck laying on about 14 eggs. Some are dated may 3 as I put them out to encourage her to sit on them and lay more to sit on. Big mistake I'm sure. Any way I have candles a few here and they're and put them back in the last couple of weeks here and there. It's...
  3. M

    Broody duck has eggs of all different stages!!

    I have a broody Swedish first time mama laying on eggs that I put in her nest she'd begun and let her keep laying top she was ready to stop. I got busy and wasn't thinking about the time spans. Any way I try to candle them if and in when mama duck is out foraging. But I worry that I might...
  4. M

    Can newly hatched chicks survive with the two mama hens who hatched them out?

    I guess bantam hens are notorious for brooding. The two chicks are doing awesome. Learning to eat and drink with mama and Peeking out sometimes. There are still 2 viable eggs under them. I am pretty sure I put them in with them a few days late as I was worried only one chick would hatch...
  5. M

    Can newly hatched chicks survive with the two mama hens who hatched them out?

    One of my new chicks above this morning. They did fine together through night. Two hatched so far. So I moved the little family this afternoon.
  6. M

    Can newly hatched chicks survive with the two mama hens who hatched them out?

    Thanks. My husband said I should I put them in a brooder box to keep them safe. I know I could but that was not the plan for these eggs. I feel pretty comfortable they will be okay for the night . My only concern is that the chicks might fall out of the nest. Should I try to prevent that or...
  7. M

    Blind baby chick

    Awe...I am sorry I didn't read that part.
  8. M

    Can newly hatched chicks survive with the two mama hens who hatched them out?

    I put 6 Brahma hen eggs under my broody bantam hen in the coup. There are only f 4 bantam hewn in there. Before long one ofmy other broody bantam was laying on them to help her. This evening I heard the peeping. I checked and saw the shells of an egg under one hen. Both hands are still...
  9. M

    Blind baby chick

    I have a blind bantam. normally would. has fared well and lays eggs as normally would. She eats and drinks by sensing where her feeder and water is. She can not Gwen's for her self to find her way back into coup so I opted to make her a house chick. She has a good sized hen house in my...
  10. M

    Chick won't mingle

    Hi posted this on another thread with no response. Hoping for some feedback . I let my broody hen hatch some eggs this spring as a little project. Unfortunately a newer egg got left behind in gathering so after 3 hatched, and that day I unexpectedly adopted a baby chick that was alone from a...
  11. M

    I shouldn't have looked...

    I am here in Vermont and needed a happy fix so I lets one of my broody bantams hatch her eggs. Turns out both my bantams wanted to hatch. Now I have 4 new chicks and two mamas tending to them, and laying on 2 more of their eggs still 🤷oh do what you gotta do.🙄😂🐔
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