Recent content by Montana-Hens

  1. Montana-Hens

    Not so sure anymore

    Pullet. I wish my BR this year was this dark.
  2. Montana-Hens

    Barred Rock - Roo or Not

    This year for the first time I have a BR I just can't tell if it is going to be a roo or not. It is just whiter than everything else. It is 7 weeks old. It had a tough start in that it lost sight in one eye due to some chicken pecking at 4 days. There was a period after that before it...
  3. Montana-Hens

    Who else got some 2013 chicks?!

    Mine came the first week of March to cold Montana. I got one of each of the following: Buff Orpington California White Leghorn Barred Plymouth Rock Buff Brahma Easter Egger Norwegian Jaehorn Gold lace wyandotte silver lace wyandotte Buckeye partridge chantecler 5 red broilers 5...
  4. Montana-Hens

    Comment by 'Montana-Hens' in item 'Plastic 1 Quart Jar Waterer'

    I too really like them for the first 2 or 3 weeks. After the first week, I agree you need to boost it with something to prevent it getting dirty. I keep two and swap them, washing them in the dishwasher top shelf.
  5. Montana-Hens

    Is it really this complicated? Feeling a bit overwhelmed!

    Get/make a coop and start them in it. Every year they spend 2 or 3 weeks in my studio space b/c my husband can't imagine they can get enough heat under the lights. By week three my studio is destroyed in "chicken dust" and I am forced to clean the studio in ways I don't clean the rest of...
  6. Montana-Hens

    Mate before crowing? Dig the older chicks?

    Though they are going on their 4th week. I had a hen from last year's group somehow fly over the fencing and get into this year's batch of chicks. I had a couple of little roos standing tall and challenging her. I was thinking oh no....already. But this post has given me a sense of relief.
  7. Montana-Hens

    Butchering roosters

    I was being despondant because I ended up with so many roos this year. This post reminds me of how good all the past roos cooked up. Not so sad any more.
  8. Montana-Hens

    Coop Design: Did I screw up bad?

    You are one step ahead of so many, you did the coop 1st! Coops are always a work in progress. Lots of good hints here. I would not fool with a rooster, not necessary and will cause more distress than his is worth.
  9. Montana-Hens

    Can I eat Orpinton Roos at 28 weeks?

    I think that sounds like a great time for anything but a fried chicken. I have ate much older birds (2 Year culled layers). I sprinkle them with a little Adloph's meat tenderizer and throw them in the crock pot. That meat tenderizer helps to breakdown what to me are stringy more mature...
  10. Montana-Hens

    Vacuum Sealers

    I too am considering a purchase and will be watching the input from those who have these.
  11. Montana-Hens

    poop board

    I put a thin layer of shavings on my poop boards to allow quick clean up.
  12. Montana-Hens

    poop board

    I would not be without a poop board. It is wide enough to catch it no matter which way their roost. 4 face out and two face in. IMO it keeps your coop more sanitary. A more sanitary environment means less health problems.
  13. Montana-Hens

    Question about nest boxes

    The size is just a recommendation. I think that the lip is very important as I have a hen who really doesn't like eggs in the nest and without it I am afraid I would have eggs on the floor. It is all trial and error really.
  14. Montana-Hens

    HUGE rat snake tried to get into my coop/run + chickens wont stop digging for china! They are diggin

    You make me thankful for the snow that is falling right now. I don't think I could do with snakes. Lots of rattlers around the area, but we are just high enough that we don't have them at our place.
  15. Montana-Hens

    My coop I made with stuff I had laying around.

    It is always great when you can use free resources. We had to buy some supplies for our last coop and it just about killed me.
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